Our Cornerstone
Mentors - Contributors
autoimmune disease, cancer, heart disease, eye diseases, and Alzheimer’s disease – starting with an eye diagnosis. He also was one of the few doctors who properly treated eye diseases for what they are – diseases of a sick eye in a sick body.
Dr. Trempe truly enjoyed the practice of medicine and dedicated his entire life to helping patients and gaining knowledge by staying abreast of any new findings published in the top medical journals. He subscribed to and read: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Nature, and the New England Journal of Medicine. He also read journals from all over the world to find diagnostics and treatments that we uncommon or not used in the United States. Over time, he developed theories and protocols for the reversal of serious diseases with an appreciation about the connectivity of the body. He recognized that disease does not exist in isolation in any part of the body.
Dr. Trempe emphasized the important difference between an acute illness and a chronic illness and he made his focus on the latter. He explained that blood labs (biomarkers) are the most important indicator of health and disease. He developed a blood test based on a panel of markers – some regularly acquired in standard practices and some not frequently measured. Through his clinical experience and exhaustive study of the literature, he learned to interpret blood labs differently compared to most doctors. He explained that “normal” lab values are based on acute illness, that is, if someone is sick today or if acute illness is imminent. However he focused on understanding the development of chronic diseases and what the blood markers were telling him about future early mortality (death) risk. Consequently he showed that people with so-called “normal” blood readings were actually at high risk for future disease, early or sudden death.
The treatment protocols Dr. Trempe developed were specifically targeted at helping people lower the biomarkers he determined predictive of chronic disease or early mortality. He helped people with all aspects of their health – from lifestyle to pharmaceutical interventions – whatever was required for that next patient of his to receive the best care possible. At Health Revival Partners, we have studies and adopted many of the health reviving protocols that Dr. Trempe developed and used over his 40+ year career of healing the sick at Harvard.

Dr. Clement L Trempe - Harvard
Dr. Trempe practiced as an ophthalmologist at Harvard Medical School for 41 years. Although an eye doctor, many of his patients came to him for all their medical advice because of his deep knowledge and care for his patients. As a member of both clinical and research staff at Harvard, Dr. Trempe worked side-by-side with doctors of internal medicine. During the 1980s, this team established a unique but little known relationship between eye diseases and diseases of the rest of the body. Dr. Trempe was one of the only doctors to use the health of the eye as a biomarker for disease. During his long career, he was able to identify and treat patients with a variety of conditions from
Dr. Kilmer McCully - Harvard
Dr. McCully, born in 1934, still goes to his office at Harvard Medical School daily. He is a pathologist meaning he examines and studies tissue. Like Dr. Trempe, Dr. McCully is blessed with extraordinary curiosity and compassion. Early in his career he examined data on young children who died of vessel disease. He made a profound discovery – they were unable to clear a substance called homocysteine which is now know to cause vessel damage leading to arteriosclerosis (heart disease). Dr. McCully is now recognized as the pioneer of the homocysteine theory of cardiovascular disease. Subsequently high levels of homocysteine has been shown to be a very high risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. McCully acknowledges that treatment protocols developed by Dr. Trempe help lower homocysteine. Dr. McCully is the author of hundreds of medical research papers. His particular expertise is in elucidating mechanisms of disease. In modern medicine, most treatments are for symptoms of diseases and seldom do these treatments address the underlying “root-cause” (mechanism) of the disease. This is a very big part of why our society suffers from high incidences of chronic disease. Dr. McCully's published explanations of disease mechanisms is part of the foundation of the Health Revival Partners approach to better participant health.

Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. - MIT
Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1985, all from MIT. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation: developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions.
She has published over 170 refereed articles on these subjects, and has been invited to give keynote speeches at several international conferences. She has also supervised numerous Master's and PhD theses at MIT. In 2012, Dr. Seneff was elected Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA).In recent years, Dr. Seneff has focused her research interests back towards biology. She is concentrating mainly on the relationship between nutrition and health. Since 2011, she has published over two dozen papers in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
Thomas J. Lewis, Ph.D. - MIT, CEO
Dr. Lewis is a leading authority in mechanisms of chronic diseases. He holds a Ph.D. from MIT and credentials from the Harvard School of Public Health. His main function, as leader of Health Revival Partners, is the translation of the best-of-breed medical knowledge from mentors and thought leaders into logical disease prevention and reversal medical protocols.
Dr. Lewis is the author of numerous papers, books, and patents. The inspiration for his work was the premature passing of his father from Alzheimer's disease. Since that tragic event he has dedicated his life to finding solutions to high impact chronic diseases and making them available to people regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Michael L. Carter, M.D. - CMO
Dr. Carter M.D is one of the top functional medicine doctors in America. He started his medical
career as an anesthesiologist, then went into aesthetic medicine, and over the past decade has
completely committed to learning and practicing functional medicine. He is a member of the
Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
(A4M). He also completed a stem cell fellowship and peptide certification through A4M. In
addition, he is Bredesen and Trempe trained at delivering the best emerging medical practices
to prevent and reverse Alzheimer's.
Dr Carter has extended his learning in the following areas: stem cells; peptide therapy; energy
medicine; hormones; Lyme disease; other occult infections including Chlamydia pneumoniae
and their vascular consequences; cardiovascular health, autoimmune conditions; chronic pain,
wound healing; mood disorders; eye diseases; and neurodegeneration.
As a Functional Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Carter seeks to find the root cause of
what is interfering with the body’s ability to stave off disease syndromes. Dr. Carter provides
the combination of natural supplements, technology, alternative treatments, selective
medicines as well as effective dietary strategies and exercise regimens that enhance the ability
of his patients to detoxify, rejuvenate and regenerate for their optimal health.
Dr. Carter is a graduate of Morehouse College, in Atlanta Georgia. Having finished second in his class, Magna Cum Laude, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, Dr.
Carter is also a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Academic Honors Society. He received his MD
from Howard University in Washington, DC. and completed his residency at Emory University,
in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr. Patricia Berube, DMD
Dr. Berube is a functionally oriented Periodontist. She has been practicing exclusively in Periodontics for almost 20 years. Periodontics is the study of the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease (or gum disease), in addition to surgical therapies including placement of dental implants for tooth replacement and all that entails. She also treats oral conditions in the mouth, is versed in oral/systemic connections and periodontal plastic procedures. After college, she completed dental school training at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine to receive her DMD and entered a three-year Periodontics residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio where she also obtained her Periodontics certificate, as well as a Master’s degree. She soon became Board Certified in Periodontics. After her training, she worked in Boston until she moved back to Texas to open her own practice. She believes that this is when her education really began.

Thought Leaders

Dr. E.J. Corey - Harvard
Dr. Corey is a Harvard scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for retrosynthetic analysis. At Health Revival Partners, we studied the approach of Corey and applied them to the works of Drs. Trempe, McCully and others to create and validate appropriate health improvement and disease reversal programs. Corey’s principles are used widely in business and science to effectively develop and improve methods and processes. In industry, Dr. Corey’s methods are called “iterative” and “continuous improvement.” We use these same principles in our Health Revival programs to make sure we capture the most impactful protocols and never stop learning from our failures and successes.
Dr. Claude Bernard - 19th Century France.
Dr. Bernard was one of the most renowned scientists of his time and arguably the greatest doctor in history. Dr. Bernard coined the term “milieu interieur” roughly translated to “homoeostasis” or “balance.” What Dr. Bernard found is that we are all able to maintain good health as long as we create a proper balance in our bodies. Our bodies are naturally quite resilient against disease. The modern translation of Bernard’s work is, if we maintain a healthy lifestyle and environment we are able to stay well without the need for pharmaceuticals or supplements. His specific quote regarding homeostasis is:

"It is the fixity of the internal environment that is the condition of free and independent life.... All vital mechanisms, however varied they may be, have only one object, that of preserving constant conditions of life in the internal environment". At Health Revival Partners adhere to the teaching of Claude Bernard and help our participants maintain or reestablish the right “fixity” of their internal environment.
Dr. Bernard is also famous for the following quote which implies that anyone on a pharmaceutical to manage symptoms has experienced healthcare professionals that do not understand the root causes of disease.
“The experimenter who does not know what he is looking for will not understand what he finds.”

Dr. Louis Pasteur - 19th Century France
Louis Pasteur, along with Robert Koch are credited with the “Germ Theory” of disease. This theory states that many diseases, both acute and chronic, are infectious in nature. Today that includes most of the chronic diseases that afflict modern society even though this understanding has not translated into clinical practice. As important as this infectious postulate is to health and disease, on his death bed, Dr. Pasteur indicated that Dr. Bernard’s “homeostasis” model was more important. Simply put, if you comport yourself in a healthy manner, you will be relatively free from disease.
Dr. Charles Mayo - Founder of the Mayo Clinic
Dr. Charles Mayo, founder of the famous Mayo Clinic, identified the “focal infection” mechanism of many diseases, something so archaic that today almost no one has heard of it. The theory basically states that an oral infection can influence the health of the entire body. Addressing the Chicago Dental Society in 1913 Mayo said, “The next great step in preventative medicine must come from the dentists.”
Mayo appointed Dr. Edward C. Rosenhow to head a team of researchers dedicated to focal infection theory. From 1902 to 1958, Rosenhow conducted experiments and published more than 300 papers. During the same period, Weston A. Price, founder

of the research institute of the National Dental Association, published his findings indicating that dental and oral infections were frequently the primary cause of disease. These two medical pioneers established a simple but profound fact. If you pull an infected tooth, the patient will often recover from disease—serious disease, from chronic fatigue to cancer, from dermatitis to diabetes, from hemorrhoids to heart disease. Drs. Rosenhow and Price theorized that disease often originated from infections in the mouth that entered the bloodstream and eventually caused major problems in some part of the body. The evidence they amassed and published is staggering.

Dr. Paul Clayton - Oxford
Dr. Paul Clayton is a man of our era who has done remarkable work researching historic times. He has written several papers analyzing the mid-Victorian period in England (1870s). What Clayton showed is, during that period of high mortality due to plagues and diseases of hygiene, mid-Victorian Brits lived longer and healthier compared to their modern counterparts. In fact, he found that chronic degenerative diseases were only 1/10th compared to modern rates and life expectancy was higher. He attributed good health in the 1870s to whole, natural foods and plenty of physical activity. In subsequent years, the health of the British population declined due to improved shipping and canning processes that made “processed” foods less expensive and more readily available.
Dr. Paul Ewald - Evolutionary Biologist
Dr. Paul Ewald is an evolutionary biologist. He is known for reintroducing the Germ Theory. He has spent his career showing that the epidemic of modern chronic diseases cannot be explained by changes to genetics. He proves that lifestyle, environmental conditions and behaviors make us vulnerable to infection – particularly chronic infections that mostly go unnoticed to all but highly trained providers and practitioners that know to test for them.

Judith Miklossy, MD, PhD - Alzheimer's
Dr. Miklossy is the world leader in Alzheimer's research with a particular focus on root-cause. She published a paper in 1993 positing the connection between the bacterium that causes Lyme disease and Alzheimer's. Subsequently she has dedicated her career to the meticulous study of this relationship using the most robust analytical and statistical methods to prove - beyond any shadow of a doubt - that borrelia burgdorferi in particular, and other infectious organisms, are causative agents in Alzheimer's and other brain diseases. Her work also demonstrates that the hallmark of Alzheimer's - beta amyloid plaques - are formed as part of an immune system cascade to fight infection and thus, should not be a disease treatment target.
Dr. Charles Stratton - Vanderbilt
Dr. Stratton is Director of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory and Deputy Chair of the Infection Control Committee. Emerging infectious diseases are a recognized problem in clinical medicine. C. pneumoniae was first recognized in 1988 as a cause of community acquired respiratory tract infections. Since then, this unique pathogen has been associated with a number of chronic diseases, including atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's and asthma. Dr. Stratton recognizes that pathogens like C pneumoniae, in the chronic state, exist in many phases in the body making their eradication particularly challenging. He holds patents on treatment of obligate intracellular pathogens and provides evidence that 18 months of continuous treatment is often required to eliminate these fastidious species.

David Wheldon, MD - MS & Family Practice
David Wheldon is a humble retired clinician from England. He was able to reverse his wife's MS and reverse chronic diseases his contemporaries could not. His website states: "After much controversy a considerable body of evidence now demonstrates a firm causal connection between chronic infection C. pneumoniae and some variants of Multiple Sclerosis.. ." http://www.davidwheldon.co.uk/ms-treatment.html
He reversed the following conditions in his patients - all linked to C. pneumoniae: Cardiac conduction defects; Effusive pericarditis with tamponade; Chronic obstructive airways disease; Multiple Sclerosis; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Encephalitis; Retinal vasculitis; Macular degeneration; Progressive presbyopia; Crohns disease; New onset adult asthma; Schizophrenia (hebephrenia) to "name a few." - David Wheldon
Dr. J Thomas Grayston - UW School of Public Health
Dr. Grayston has served as American Medical and public health educator, Diplomate: American Board Internal Medicine, American Board Preventive Medicine. and has a storied career in health service. Grayston, long ago, recognized the association between inflammation, infection & cardiovascular disease. He wrote, "I have previously described the errors in study design and the inadequate treatment course of this trial. The short antibiotic courses used in the London and ROXIS studies influenced the treatment course in a number of subsequent studies. This was despite efforts in cardiology journals in 1998 and 1999 to educate cardiologists about the microbiology of Chlamydia and treatment requirements for chronic Chlamydia infection.”

Jack C. de la Torre, MD PhD. - University of Texas
Dr. Jack de la Torre is a leading authority in Alzheimers disease (AD). In 1993, he first advanced the concept of AD as a vascular disorder with neurodegenerative consequences. The vascular hypothesis of AD had a profound impact and influence on research studies involving epidemiology, neuroimaging, neuropathology and therapeutics that continue to clarify the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of AD. He has edited 7 major volumes on the subject of vascular factors in AD and published a many papers on neurodegeneration, neuropathology and CNS trauma. He has held professorial appointments in the Departments of Neurosurgery at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Ottawa, and in Pathology at Case Western Reserve University and is now at Banner Sun Health Research Institute.
Gail Cassell, PhD - Harvard Senior Lecturer
Dr. Cassell is a leader on efforts to address multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). She and Barry Bloom, former dean of Harvard School of Public Health, co-lead an Institute of Medicine project on drug supply chain issues related to MDRTB. She actively advises numerous government agencies, NGOs, and foundations on the scale-up of MDRTB diagnosis and treatment in endemic areas around the world, including in Russia. Dr. Cassell is advising the GHSM Sentinel Project on pediatric drug-resistant tuberculosis, a global partnership that aims to develop and deploy evidence-based strategies to prevent child deaths from drug-resistant tuberculosis. Institute. She co-authored a landmark paper titled, "Infectious Causes of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer" while a senior vice president at Eli Lilly.