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Transforming Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Diseases
Reverse brain diseases with our proven and medically sound 3-part approach.
Part 1: Identify and eliminate causes of brain inflammation and dysregulation
Part 2: Stop the inflammation itself
Part 3: Rebuild new brain connections and plasticity
Your Path to Better Brain Health
Proper testing coupled to key interventions is central to brain health improvement.
√ Test for brain health risk factors and biomarkers.
√ Test for heavy metal burden.
√ Engage in expert consultations to implement your course correction plan.
√ Continue or begin Neurologics brain training program.

This 70 biomarker test looks for:
√ Inflammation that impacts microglial cells
√ Infections know to disrupt brain chemistry
√ Gut dysbiosis impacting neurotransmitters
√ Autoimmunity reactions against the brain
√ Oxidative stress
√ Energy hormone status

This test looks for:
√ Heavy metals that impact brain & whole body health
√ Mycotoxin burden including molds
√ Environmental Toxins

Detailed & ongoing consultations will include:
√ Full health history
√ Family health history
√ Brain health risk portfolio assessment
√ Biomarker and toxin review & explanation
√ Treatment & recovery plan
√ Supplements & interventions

Neurologics proven track record:
√ Concussion & brain Injury
√ ADHD, learning differences, child development
√ Addiction and recovery
√ Peak performance
√ Over 10,000 children accurately assessed
√ Over 20,000 people helped in the past 15 years

Eye health is an indicator of brain health:
√ The retina is the"approachable" brain
√ Children with Autism often have eye pathologies
√ The eye can be measured non-invasively
√ Eye testing tools are superior to those for the brain
√ The retina is the most vascular tissue in the body
√ Neurological and degenerative diseases are measurable in the eye often before the brain is impacted
Did you know?

Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen and blood in your body
It is 10 times more metabolically active compared to most tissue in your body. Vascular diseases lead to brain disease.

When your brain is "ill," inflammation perpetuates rather than subsides
Inflammation, once started in the brain, does not easily "shut off" when compared to non-brain tissue like joints or muscle.

Building new brain connections - renewing brain plasticity - is a reality
With advanced brain analysis and brain training methods, new and improved brain function does occur.
The Science Behind Brain Repair and Recovery
Essentially all brain diseases have common threads.
The causes of brain maladies are multi-factorial.
Our program considers all risks and causes of brain diseases
and we prioritize our approach based on the
most likely and prevalent causes
Gut dysbiosis and microbiota alterations
Immunity and chronic infections
Chronic inflammation
Heavy metal toxicity
Metabolic dysfunction
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