Transforming Early Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Dementias
Focus on: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, and other Neurodegenerative Processes
Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies show a common theme:
Markers of inflammation are elevated long before manifestation of brain-related symptoms.
Certain types of plaques appear early into the dementia process.
Harvard Medical School showed the "amyloid" plaques are anti-microbial (naturally antibiotic).
Dr. Miklossy of Switzerland proved that spirochete infections from Lyme or periodontal disease contribute to Alzheimer's progression.
Dr. Brian Balin finds Chlamydia pneumoniae in Alzheimer's plaques. Dr. David Wheldon reverses MS by treating this bacterial infection of the brain.e.
Fundamentally, neurodegenerative diseases are vascular diseases first and neurological diseases second.
This understanding properly guides diagnosis and treatment.
Key Providers

Thomas Lewis, Ph.D.

Michael Carter, M.D.

Wendi Michele,
Nutritionist & Advocate

Dr. Lewis on Brain & Whole Body Health
Wendi Michelle explaining how we simplify brain optimization
Dr. David Wheldon reviews the reversal of his wife's Multiple Sclerosis
Brain Quick Facts:
Your brain uses 25% of the oxygen from your blood. The brain is highly vascular!
Your brain is 10-times more metabolically active compared to the rest of your body.
Neurotransmitters and brain hormones are made in your gut.
Infections like Lyme disease and gingivitis are known to inflame and disrupt the brain.
Heavy metals are toxic to the brain.
Food sensitivities may cause an autoimmune reaction against the brain.
Neurodegeneration has a common inflammation pathway - microglial cell activation.
We offer a comprehensive whole-body optimization program that will heal the brain and enhance the Neurologics brain-focused recovery and optimization program.


Scott Laird, N.D.

Thomas Lokensgard,
N.D., D.M.D.

David Harshfield, M.D.

Our team of professionals help you simplify your path to health.
Jodi Laird,
Health Coach
What the program includes:
Dr. Lewis - 2.5 hours of consults
An initial 1 hour review of all your information and plan development
Month 3: 30 minute check-in to review progress and order "spot check" labs
Month 5: 30 minute check-in and update
Month 6: 30 minute review and determination of next steps
Health Advocate / Coach - 10 hours of plan implementation consults
Frequency and duration to be determined on an individualized basis
Includes an initial 1 hour plan review and prioritization
Subsequent meetings to aid implementation, review progress, and assign
"next step" tasks
Brain Testing - On-line brain function test performed at the beginning and end of the
6-month program
Blood Testing - Full 70+ biomarker panel obtained at the beginning and end of
6-month program
Spot-check labs customized to the individual based initial labs
A la carte items:
Heavy Metal Testing
Quicksilver Scientific or Great Plains Labs: $500.00
Food Sensitivity Testing
Alletess Labs - 184 food panel: $275.00
KBMO - 132 foods and inflammatory response: $455.00
Vibrant America - peptide response (zoomers): panel dependent
Zonulin Test for intestinal permeability: $250.00
Oral Testing
Oral DNA test for 11 pathogens: $295.00
Advanced Pathogen Testing
Vibrant Wellness Tickborne Complete 2.0: $1200.00
Viral burden: $450.00
Eye Testing
Vision Source: $200.00 plus the cost of the eye exam
Hormone Evaluation
What we do is backed by Science....
Here are two of several thousand research papers that support our approach.

Chronic inflammation accompanies brain injury,
suggesting that inflammatory processes may contribute to
neural stem cell dysfunction.
Here, we (Stanford University) show that
neuro-inflammation alone inhibits neurogenesis
(growth of new neurons - needed to restore brain connections)
and that an inflammatory blockade
(stopping inflammation)
restores neurogenesis
after inflammation (caused by infection or other sources).
Author: Dr. Roderick Corriveau - NIH

Evidence indicates that damage to the vascular system is associated with an increased risk of many types of dementia. Alzheimer's affects small blood vessel function and vascular dysfunction contributes to Alzheimer's. The science of vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID) integrates diverse aspects of biology that support the function of neural tissue. Because of the proven ability to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease with benefits for heart and stroke outcomes, targeting the biological mechanisms of VCID can have a similarly positive impact on public health.

Why is it so hard to achieve optimal brain health?
In traditional medicine there are 77,000 codes for diagnoses. Which one(s) are assigned to you?
When working with us, we evaluate five (5) critically important mechanisms that drive most chronic conditions.
This is the most sensible and cost-effective place to start. The 5 mechanism are:
Poor repair and recovery due to nutritional and absorption deficiencies
Specific sensitivities that cause inflammation
Internal resource allocation - Thrive vs Survive - aka Fight or Flight
Chronic and often stealth infections - oral pathogens, Lyme disease, Chlamydia pneumoniae...
Inadequate autophagy - mainly caused by a lack of physical activity
By measuring and correcting these pathways, our clients most often achieve the optimal health they are pursuing.