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Thomas J Lewis, Ph.D.
Ph.D.: MIT
Nutrition & Toxicology: Harvard
Industrial Hygiene: U. Mass
Certified Health Coach
Specialty: Chronic Health & Risk Measurement
Specialty: Unresolved Chronic Conditions
Specialty: Protocol & Plan Development
Pricing: $595 For 5 Hours of Consult Time

Click here for a short message from Dr. Lewis

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Thomas J Lewis, Ph.D.
Ph.D.: MIT
Nutrition & Toxicology: Harvard
Industrial Hygiene: U. Mass
Certified Health Coach
Specialty: Chronic Health & Risk Measurement
Specialty: Unresolved Chronic Conditions
Specialty: Protocol & Plan Development
Pricing: $595 For 5 Hours of Consult Time

Click here for a short message from Dr. Lewis

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Michael L Carter, M.D.
M.D.: Emory
Functional Medicine: IFM, A4M
Specialty: Functional Medicine
Specialty: Advanced Functional Testing
Specialty: Hormones, Peptides, Neurodegeneration
Specialty: Protocol & plan development
Pricing: $300 per Hour for Consults

Click here for a short message from Dr. Carter


Jodi Laird
Certified Health Coach
Specialty: Plan Implementation
Specialty: On-going Protocol Support
Specialty: Nutritional Counseling
Pricing: $250.00 for 5 Hours of Consult Time

Click here for a short message from Jodi

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Patricia Berube, DMD
Functional Periodontist
Specialty: Oral Health Evaluation
Specialty: Cone Beam & OralDNA Interpretation
Specialty: Oral Plan Development & Guidance 
Specialty: Evaluation of Your Current Plan
Pricing: $150 for 1/2 h Oral Review

Click here for a short message from Dr. Berube

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Michael L Carter, M.D.
M.D.: Emory
Functional Medicine: IFM, A4M
Specialty: Functional Medicine
Specialty: Advanced Functional Testing
Specialty: Hormones, Peptides, Neurodegeneration
Specialty: Protocol & plan development
Pricing: $300 per Hour for Consults

Click here for a short message from Dr. Carter

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