This is part 2 of a multi-part series explaining energy medicine. I have written a detailed chapter on energy medicine. Below is chapter text that relates to the video included in this blog.
In summary:
All energy comes from the sun and that energy is derived from fusion. E = MC2
All energy on earth comes from fusion traveling from the sun as weightless waves of light energy per this equation: E = h√
Energy is light.
Light is composed of waves.
Photoreceptors of all ilk absorb waves of light and convert it to different forms of energy we use.
Coal, oil, natural gas, electricity, and wind all come from the sun's energy. In this respect, they are all renewable.
Nuclear energy may be considered an exception, however that is a discussion on how matter formed in the first place. Fusion is more fundamental than fission. We cannot fissile what we have not fused into creation. And fission is the primary process of stars.
Even the action of enzymes come from sunlight energy by way of photosynthesis and food or directly by the action of light waves on biological substances. The sun provides the power to activate the catalyst molecules, through a complex chain of events. That work produced keeps your systems running and repairs the damage all the work creates.
Think about the era before the industrial revolution. How did clever humans harness light energy to make their work load lighter? One such pathway involved evaporation. The sun hits the earth and water, for example, in the ocean, raising the temperature causing evaporation. Massive amounts of evaporation lead to rain, often precipitated at higher elevations. This water at higher elevations has potential (captured) energy that can be used at a later time. Gravity pulls the water downhill. The water wheel, that turns some type of mechanism, can convert the energy from the sun into work.
Wind is similar to, but less dense compared to water. Our forebears used windmills to convert this sun-derived energy into work. A major use of this sun induced wind work was to drive pumps to pull water up from aquifers to irrigate arid land. Now turbines are used to directly convert wind power to electricity. All wind energy comes from the sun.
Our internal temperature is an indication of our constant need for energy. No one reading this wants to be room temperature. That would mean you are not alive. Our internal temperature explains a lot about energy use and our health. Why do all humans have a body temperature that is roughly the same, 98° Fahrenheit (37°C)? According to Texas Wildlife, "No matter what the outside temperature may be, your body, like a living furnace, works to maintain a constant internal temperature. It generates heat by burning the food you eat. All mammals and birds are capable of generating this internal heat and are classed as homoiotherms (ho-MOY-ah-therms), or warm-blooded animals. Normal temperatures for mammals range from 97° F to 104° F. Most birds have a normal temperature between 106° F and 109° F."[i]
Here are some excerpts from a scientific article attempting to explain body temperature. The key word is "attempting." "Scientists have found the reason why our body temperature is 98.6° Fahrenheit (37°C). Apparently, it is the perfect balance, as it is warm enough to prevent fungal infection but not so hot that we need to eat nonstop to maintain our metabolism."[ii] I find this sort of "reductionist" explanation inadequate and unscientific. They do not understand the expression about the chicken and egg or cart before the horse. However, this is the most easily found explanation of human core temperature on the internet.
Let's do a quick dissection of this "science" before explaining the real reason our internal temperature is so stable and common to all human and close to all other warm-blooded mammals.
"Found the reason." Hmm. "The" is singular. Not plausible, please read on.
"Warm enough to prevent fungal infection." Really!? Do you think our creation and evolution of one of the most fundamental physiological conditions in are body revolves around fighting fungal infections? I believe our innate immune system takes care of that. And what came first, us or fungal infections?
"Not so hot that we need to eat nonstop to maintain our metabolism." This one is even more absurd. Our physical stature, activity, and baseline metabolism dictates our calorie needs. And, the calorie content of the foods we eat determines how much we need to eat to meet those needs. Further, we have an elegant storage system for energy called glycogen and fat. Is it no quite obvious that the calorie content of available natural food and our metabolic needs are quite well matched such that we can easily adjust to eating just once a day or go much longer without food by fasting? And, food, for the most part, is available at the right amount, time, nutrient, and calorie content to allow us to survive as a species. This is not coincidence - it is due to co-creation / evolution / adaptation.
Now for the real reason our internal temperature is stable and roughly the same from person to person. Genetically, humans are 99.9% the same whereas we are genetically 15% different from rats. These genetic, thus metabolic differences, explain the minor variations in core temperature between warm blooded species. That we humans are all very similar explains why there is little variation in our core temperatures. So, what determines our core temperature and that of other warm-blooded species? It is the very basic science discussed before - Energy Medicine Part 1 Blog.
· Exothermic reactions occurring in our body release heat.
· Endothermic reactions occurring in our body absorb heat.
Sweat and skin surface area that transfers heat or cold to the environment is necessary to make minor adjustments to core temperature depending upon physical activity and environmental conditions. However, the exothermic reactions and endothermic reactions have the greatest influence, by far, on our internal temperature.
There is a balance within our physiology between exothermic and endothermic reactions that determine our core temperature. Our genetic thus physiological similarities dictate that we are all driving the same reactions in roughly the same balance. And, these are the reactions of human life that occur over and over again creating the relative stability in our internal temperature. Even when we exercise, the balance between endothermic and exothermic reactions most likely remains relatively constant. Thus, our internal temperature is due to the summation of ALL reactions and not just some specialized set of processes that attempt to keep fungal infections at bay.
Consider this simple corollary. You have a hot plate of some type plugged into an outlet and is heating up. This is the exothermic reaction. Also, you are slowly dribbling water onto the plate to cool it down a bit. The evaporation of water is the endothermic reaction. The balance between these two processes determines the final temperature. If we set up 10 of these test systems and control them so they are 99.9% the same, the temperature of the hot plate will also be the same.
The reason I went to lengths to explain core temperature and the potentially complicated endo- and exothermic reactions is because both these types of reactions are occurring constantly in our bodies. As you will see, we do not have to consume energy - food, for example - in the right form for all our cellular processes. Some foods we consume are ready to go to work - that is be part of an exothermic or energy-releasing process. In other cases, the energy we get from food and light drives a endothermic reactions.
An example that will be described in detail below is that of melatonin and glutathione. It takes energy to prepare the antioxidant form of glutathione. And expending this energy is a critical part of our energy producing KREBS cycle. This is an endothermic, or energy gobbling process. Another example is taking in a vitamin in a so-called "spent" form. Our body often has the capacity to expend energy to convert something "spent" back into something useful. Iodine and iodide are examples. Our body expends energy to convert iodide into iodine so that the iodine can perform the very specific work of oxidizing (killing) a pathogen, for example. Iodine is and electron stealer and when it does it to a bug cell, it kills it on its way to becoming iodide. The message here is eat food and your body will do what is necessary to put it to work in your body.
Energy from waves can be hard to appreciate because most of it is not felt, but you can take your temperature and appreciate that you are consuming and producing energy. We can feel classical energies like temperature or kinetic energy. For example, if you stop suddenly by running into a wall, the force and its energy intensity is obvious. Another "container" for energy is oxygen in the air. It is produced by the respiration of plants thus is created from waves of light (photosynthesis). Can you see the oxygen you breathe? Obviously, you cannot but your heart beats and you can move your muscles. The invisible oxygen facilitates the muscle contractions in both instances.
The point is, when it comes to energy in the form of the frequency of waves, you do not have to see it, or even feel it, for it to exert its force.
[i], Accessed Sept. 25, 2022. [ii], January 05, 2011.
[i], March, 2013.
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