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The Path

Chronic Disease Assessment ™️


The Chronic Disease Assessment survey is a health risk assessment tool that entails the answering of health and behavior-related questions. This system is not a regurgitation of typical wellness surveys. It is an amalgamation of health assessments created by top thought leading institutions including the Mayo Clinic, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the Institute for Functional Medicine. Further, we added additional intelligence based on our team’s vast clinical experience at practicing root-cause medicine. After assembling all relevant information, our team conducted an exhaustive process of approval and elimination of data gathering queries to arrive at the assessment in use today. We next conducted an extensive review of the medical literature and along with consensus from our medical team, developed the first-of-its-kind rating system for questions and answers. We validated the relative accuracy of the risk score generated by the algorithm against patient data including biometrics to confirm the predictive power of the tool.

Chronic Disease Temperature ™️

Inflammation is becoming more recognized as a cause or accelerant of most of the chronic diseases we face in society today. Major traditional studies are emerging that show focusing on a single parameter like cholesterol may be why so many chronic diseases exist today. The standard tests are not looking broadly or deeply enough. A recent assessment of over 100,000 patients who were hospitalized with heart disease showed that 75% had normal cholesterol levels. And newer research is illustrating that cholesterol levels on the low end of normal exacerbate rates of diabetes, mood disorders, suicides, and infection. Thus further focusing on just this biomarker appears to be a dead end. The CDT and more advanced panels coupled to this set of tests offer more precise predictive ability for both the general population and complex cases.

Precision Diagnostics

The Eye: A Window to your Health


Why the eye? The eye is beyond a window to your soul as a properly trained eye professional can literally see living blood vessels and nervous tissue including observing blood cells coursing through capillaries. This is a fact about the relationship between your eye health and your future health. All of our systems are connected. For example, cataracts are a sign of poor health and a deadly disease. To date, there are 17 studies from all around the globe that have correlated the diagnosis of cataracts with poor future health outcomes and early death. 

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The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) proved unequivocally that cataracts and macular degeneration portend adverse health. In this study, overseen by the National Institutes of Health in 11 medical centers around the U.S., showed that 11% of people with cataracts died in 6 years, while similar people with prostate or breast cancer only saw a 1% mortality rate. Conclusion: the eye disease cataract, is 10 times more deadly compared to prostate or breast cancer. Interestingly, the cause of death was primarily cardiovascular. Thus, cataracts are a predictor of cardiovascular risk and early death. At Health Revival Partners, our team understands the root-causes of eye diseases and can help individuals with these conditions overcome the adverse mortality statistics associated with these diseases. 
Infectious Blood Lab Panel


Many chronic diseases involve infection that, today in medicine, is underappreciated. Doctors treat “acute” infection, however few doctors are looking for “chronic” infection. Standard-of-Care lab panels are often completely normal even when a person has a chronic infection. Examples of diseases with a strong infectious component include: Cardiovascular diseases, mood disorders, Cancer, metabolic disorders, Autoimmune disorders, and neurodegenerative disorders – including those impacting the health of the nervous tissue of the eye – as discovered by Dr. Trempe in the 1980s.

Chronic Lyme infection is now connected with Alzheimer's, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. It's estimated that almost 20% of Americans have been bitten by ticks and may carry chronic Lyme infection. Mood disorders like depression, anxiety, aggression and suicidal thoughts are associated with various bacteria and a parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii; a parasite that according to the CDC has infected 60 million Americans. In 1994, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified Helicobacter Pylori as a cancer-causing agent in humans. H. Pylori is a bacterium that often starts in the gum line and migrates to the stomach lining. It has been associated with certain cancers of the colon and stomach, and is known to cause stomach ulcers and acid reflux - also known as heart burn or GERD. It is no coincidence that one of the most prescribed and over the counter medications taken by Americans are proton pump inhibitors (PPI's). These medications mask the symptoms of H. Pylori, allowing the bug to thrive within the host, over time leading to chronic conditions. 
Cognitive Assessment


How do you know if the health program you are on is helping or hurting? Your brain is actually a very sensitive barometer of your overall health. Did you know that 25% of the oxygen-rich blood that leaves your heart goes through your brain? And your brain is quite small compared to the rest of your body. Taken together, your brain uses 10 times more energy compared to regular cells in your body. Finally, brain diseases are now the most feared of all diseases. Most neurologists use simple paper tools and puzzles to measure your brain health and diagnose one brain condition from another.

Our sophisticated and proven on-line tool maps many attributes of brain function and is able to measure brain performance, not just disease. The HRP dynamic diagnostic process, including brain-specific evaluation, recognizes that a sick brain resides in a sick body. Through this testing we are able to establish a baseline for your brain health and performance so you and our team can assess the efficacy of our brain revival program.
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