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Athletes Beware!

Certain elite athletes are experiencing a disproportionately high level of adverse heart and health events associated with the Jab.

Runners stress mechanical systems while cyclists stress physiological systems. Accomplished runners may disagree but, from my own experience, anecdotal evidence supports this hypothesis. For example, I belonged to an active community in Keene, NH during the 90s and into the 2000s. We had a competitive group of runners and cyclists. Occasionally, we would cross-train with each other. As we aged, many of the runners started developing knee and hip issues, with a surprising number of them undergoing hip-replacement surgery by age 50. Me, on the other hand, developed atrial fibrillation in my 40s.

Atrial Fibrillation, it turns out, is represented in our population by a “U” curve. This means that people in poor health are prone to get Afib as are people on the far end of great fitness. It’s a bit of a conundrum until you dig down into the details of physiological health. In my own case, I wanted to understand why this happened. I reached out to my professional and amateur cycling network and discovered that many of the top performers had developed Afib, while the weekend warriors were much less likely to be afflicted with this condition. In my own instance, the onset of Afib was paralleled by a perfect storm of circumstances: high stress from a relationship, an acute illness called bacteriemia, and excessive training for an ironman triathlon. Decades before my Afib, I had many tick bites. A knowledgeable functional doctor tested me for Lyme Disease and discoverer that I had a few Lyme “bands” but was not classically diagnosable with Lyme. However, I became convinced that it was my vulnerability that allowed the Lyme to express clinically and contribute to a disconnect in the electrical communication between my heart’s upper (Atria) and lower (Ventricle) chambers.

My thesis on Afib and Lyme, and other chronic infections in well supported in the medical literature. “History of Lyme Disease as a Predictor of Atrial Fibrillation,” is one such paper published in 2020 in which the authors state, “In many cases, atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with a history of cardiac inflammation. One of the potential pathogens responsible for atrial inflammation might be Borrelia burgdorferi – a pathogen involved in Lyme carditis.” Importantly, this study illustrates the power of IgG pathogen testing to assert cause and effect. They state, “The multivariate analysis showed that positive results for anti-Borrelia IgG antibodies were a strong independent predictor of Afib (odds ratio 8.21). In conclusion, presented data show that exposure to Borrelia infection is associated with an increased risk of AF.” Note that an “odds ratio” of 8.21 infers an 821% increase in the likelihood of getting Afib compared to people without and IgG test for Lyme disease in this study of 222 people.

The term, “the razor’s edge,” is well understood among elite cyclists. It represents the fine line between too much training and just not quite enough to be at the top of the elite ranks. It’s clear, from information on diseases such as Afib, that too much training, and too often, has physiological damaging consequences. Besides being burnt out and fatigued, athletes in this state have highly elevated cytokine biomarkers.

In 2021, Senator Ron Johnson assembled an expert panel on Federal vaccine mandates and vaccine injuries. Elite athletes were overrepresented at this panel meeting of people who experienced severe health consequences from the various “vaccines.” The athletes explained their unexpected severe adverse events associated with the Jab. Is this surprising in light of the association between Afib and elite athletes? Most of the vaccine injuries reported by these athletes represented at this panel discussion were related to issues of the heart. These athletes were completely unaware of their risks otherwise they would have avoided the Jab or taken other precautions explained below. Here we have yet another example of the woefully inadequate predictive power for adverse events by the standard lab tests acquired during most clinical visits.


Please consider watching the chilling video found on this site:


Here is an example from an elite athlete I evaluated. At the time, he was 36 years old and a competitive road and gravel cyclist. Four days before obtaining labs, he competed in back-to-back 100-mile gravel race events, where he placed in the top-10 in each event. He reported having chest pains and tightness associated with typical COVID symptoms In his risk assessment and during the health consult he reported:

· Root canals installed

· At the best conditioning of his life

· Chest and heart issues – “chest pain and tightness”

· High blood pressure at a cardiologist appointment but never noted before

· Not vaccinated

· High carb and protein diet

· No fish oil supplementation but eats fish occasionally

· Panic set in with chest pain

· Lab values: Creatine Kinase 524 (high); Glucose 106 (high); Hemoglobin A1C 5.9 (high); Troponin T and inflammatory markers all normal.

The key elevated marker was the creatine kinase. If you have higher than normal creatine enzymes, it is an indication of a muscle injury or disease, such as muscular dystrophy or rhabdomyolysis, typically. It is also an indication of generalized inflammation of the heart muscle or of a recent heart attack. However, intense exercise often injures muscle tissue, at least temporarily, causing creatine kinase to be released into the bloodstream. Although the increase in creatine kinase levels is usually moderate (three to five times higher than normal), an increase of up to 100 times above normal is occasionally seen in runners at the end of a marathon. Elevated creatine kinase is a strong indicator of adverse events in COVID.

Many markers of inflammation are elevated for acute (sudden) conditions, like trauma, but are also elevated for chronic conditions. These markers tend to be very high in acute conditions but often are just barely above “normal” in chronic diseases. The figure above shows the behavior of some of these markers of inflammation in the blood after an acute event, like trauma. Notice that C-reactive protein goes down quite rapidly after the acute event. If your CRP is elevated day one, month one, and year one, it is elevated due to a chronic condition, not a one-time event. However, athletes may see these markers elevated constantly because of their frequent high-intensity training. In essence, very athletic people have chronic inflammation.

Athletes are seldom advised to delay having a blood test after high levels of exertion. After a muscle is injured, it takes a certain amount of time for creatine levels to return to normal. They should decrease by half every 36 hours. For example, a level that is 100 times higher (about 15,000 U/L) will take 10 days or so to return to normal. Importantly, the suggestion to “delay” goes well beyond a blood test. These high levels of biomarkers indicate vulnerability and health risks similar to a person with disease. My thesis is that your risk of any adverse event, and particularly to a disease like covid, or the jab containing the spike protein, is determined by your physiological health - regardless of what has caused abnormal lab values.

My suggestion to athletes considering vaccination in the current COVID climate is to measure labs for inflammation and tissue damage and correct those that are elevated, which is the same advice I provide to any person. In lieu of labs, allow for at least 10 days of rest and recuperation after high levels of physical exertion prior to any treatment or intervention, including the “vaccine,” that has bone fide data indicating an impact on the heart or vascular system.


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What is the Chronic Disease Support program?

1. It is a weekly live, interactive, 1h, webinar on Zoom covering important health-related topics.

2. The schedule is Tuesday at 8 pm EST. The topic is the same at both times/dates. We offer 2 times per week to accommodate schedules.

Monday Zoom Link (12 noon EST):

Tuesday Zoom link (8pm EST):

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Except those associated with the vaccines


Stay Well

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