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Weight Loss Made Easy!

You can do it! Weight loss is NOT just about calories or even sugars.

Here is what you need to lose the weight you want.

  • Part 1: Knowledge - Did you know there are 26 things that make you hungry?

  • Part 2: Measurement - With measurement and knowing WHY - weight comes off.

  • Part 3: Action - We help you work on the things you Can do Now.

Quick Start Weight Loss Program

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Do you know? The 26 ways you get and stay hungry!

  1. Your Brain

  2. Glycemic index and glycemic load

  3. Lack of exercise

  4. Antacids

  5. Statin and other LDL-lowering drugs

  6. My plate

  7. Low fat

  8. Lack of minerals

  9. High protein diets

  10. Timing

  11. Blood pressure medications

  12. Salt deficiency

  13. Food policy - USDA

  14. Food marketing and profit

  15. Lack of fiber

  16. Vitamin deficiency

  17. The American Heart Association recommendations

  18. Infection and other diseases

  19. Insulin

  20. A properly working gut

  21. Exercise (confusing huh!)

  22. Eating schedule / frequency

  23. The American Diabetes Association recommendations

  24. Your microbiome and immunity in general (see 18.)

  25. Processed and fast food

  26. Attitudes toward foods (family, individual, and cultural)

The Science Behind Weight Loss

Weight loss is NOT just about calories!
There are simple things you can do to successfully lose the weight you want.

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Your  Brain
Your brain scans your body energy AND nutrients that rebuild you. Our brains, when it comes to overseeing our bodies, look beyond calories and makes sure all systems are satisfied. That means, we have enough protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, especially "essential" nutrients. I call this the "repair and recovery" suite of nutrients. Btw, an "essential" nutrient is simply one that our body cannot synthesize in our gut or liver, thus we must get it from our food.

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Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates with a low GI value (55 or less) are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolized and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose and, therefore usually, insulin levels. Sugars have a high glycemic index of around 100.



Lack of Exercise
Lack of exercise puts a number of stress on your body and influences hunger in ways you may not expect. For example, when you are sedentary, so is your immune system. Then, under attack, it most over-react to protect you. This requires energy. Also, chronically sedentary people maintain chronically low storage of glycogen, your short-term fuel. Glycogen runs out quickly leading to a hunger response.


Weight gain is driven by dietary deficiencies that then cause hunger. Hunger is driven, as you now know, by our brains.  Our brains have many responsibilities in maintaining our good health. Running the engine is part of its responsibility (calories). An equally or more important role is running your body's repair shop (repair and recovery). Antacids slow or stop the absorption of nutrients necessary for repair of your body.


Cholesterol Lowering
Did you know that the cholesterol-lowering drugs slow or stop the production of LDL - not cholesterol? What is LDL? It is the "soap" of your body, transporting fats (oils) through your water-based blood. When LDL is lowered, so is the availability of crucially important fats. Many of these fats are "essential," only obtained from food. When you brain detects fat deficiency, it makes you hungry.

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My Plate
Obesity has increased by over 300% since the 1960s. During that time, the Federal Government food recommendation has been the food pyramid and My Plate. The transition to My Plate has offered few nutritional changes and obesity projections indicate that this epidemic will continue to increase. Simply put, My Plate recommends too many carbs and sugars, but not enough essential nutrients.

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Low Fat
Low fat diets make you hungry for a couple of reasons. The main one is that you NEED fats as part of the 3 main macronutrients. Great research shows you need fats far more than you need carbohydrates. Also, if your diet is “low fat” then it is most likely high in carbs and sugars that “spike” your insulin levels.  If you replace fats with protein, that too, can be converted to sugars in your blood when consumed in excess.

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Lack of Minerals
Do you think your brain just regulates the calories your body takes in? If that’s the case then why are so many people, especially Americans, constantly hungry even though they get plenty of calories? Being overweight, we are told, implies one thing - and excess of calories. This is true but the excess calorie intake may be due to being "malnourished" in essential minerals.

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The urban legend is that consuming lots of protein has a direct correlation with muscle gain.
However, this is substantial UNTRUE. There’s a level of dietary protein intake beyond which you don’t receive any of the muscle-building benefits. You can actually experience some adverse effects by overdoing it, including indigestion, hormone disruption, kidney and liver problems, and even weight gain.

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