Jonathan Landsman of NaturalHealth365 builds excellent informational docu-classes. His premier one revolves around the #1 killer - heart disease. Please consider attending this free series and send the link to friends and family - all of whom will benefit from this "on-point" information.
This is the link to learn more and sign up for free.
I am a presenter on the series and here is a summary of one of my talks on the docu-class.
As always, Naturalhealth365 provides supporting resources. Here are some that are available now.
The Ancient Answer for Heart Health eBook
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally eBook
Avoid Heart Failure eBook
Avoid Heart Attacks & Strokes eBook
Here is the schedule for the program.
Weekly Webinar Links: Join us for detailed health information - at no charge. All are welcome.
Monday at noon EST -
Wednesday at 8 pm EST -
Be Bold - Be Brave - Stay Well