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Get More Sunlight Exposure

Writer's picture: Dr. Thomas J. LewisDr. Thomas J. Lewis

Imagine being deficient in vital nutrients by 93%. Or what if you reduced your calorie intake by 93%? These scenarios sound alarming, right? Well, experts tell us that sunlight exposure is down by 93% from 50 years ago. This is a serious issue that is contributing to a range of chronic diseases, including mood disorders and poor sleep. It's time to take this issue seriously and make changes.

This video not only sheds light on the underappreciated value of sunlight exposure, particularly infrared light, but also equips you with practical ways to increase your exposure. These actionable steps will help you make the most of the sunlight's health benefits.

A few years ago, I had the privilege of presenting at an Alzheimer's summit in Crans Montana, Switzerland. The hotel I stayed at was a former sanatorium, a place that, a century ago, along with other medical clinics and hospitals, recognized and appreciated the healing power of sunlight.

Why do we fear sunlight?

Scientific American this month looked at the curious case of Vitamin D pioneer Dr. Michael Holick, who was fired from the Boston University Dermatology Department five years ago this month for daring to suggest that regular UV light could be beneficial.

The insanity knows no boundaries. What's next, air, water, food?

Tip of the day. Eat foods high in sulfur or supplement with MSM.

Thanks to Dr. Ron Neer, I have substantially increased my sulfur intake in the past few years. Subsequently, I noticed that I NEVER burn from intense sun exposure, and my tans are substantially subdued.

Take in more nutrients, and you will derive great benefit from sun exposure without the "harm."

The concept of systemic photoprotection by dietary means is gaining momentum. Skin is continuously exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the major cause of skin disorders such as sunburn, photodamage, and nonmelanoma skin cancer. Most of the erythemal annual UV dose is encountered under nonvacation conditions, when no sunscreen is applied. In the absence of topically added compounds, skin protection depends solely on endogenous defense. Micronutrients can act as UV absorbers, as antioxidants, or can modulate signaling pathways elicited upon UV exposure. UV-induced erythema is a suitable parameter to assess photoprotection. Dietary protection is provided by carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbate, flavonoids, or n-3 fatty acids, contributing to maintenance resistance as part of lifelong protection.


Previous Blog on Infrared Light

I have published several videos on energy medicine. Although there is a presumption that light does not penetrate deeply into the body, it is proven that light therapy impacts the entire body.

How can this be?

One answer is that substances that absorb light—particularly infrared light—resonate, and the resonance will activate other substances of the same frequency (same type of molecule). Infrared light causes bonds in substances (molecules) to vibrate - and vibration is "sound energy." This is similar to what happens with a tuning fork. Thus, the vibrational energy can pass from the molecule "activated" by infrared light to other molecules - even those deeper in your body.

Watch this video to understand this process.

Vibrational energy creates heat. Heat can help with biological processes in two (2) ways.

  1. Increased temperatures speed up the rate of reactions - for example, the processes within mitochondria that produce cellular energy.

  2. Increased temperatures lower the viscosity of liquid (lymph, blood) and improve circulation.

Here are some videos that explain the value of light therapy. This is NOT just about red or infrared light but about sunlight!

This one is rather scientific but there are still important concepts anyone can understand.


Here is how you can get sunlight at a substantial bargain - while the deal lasts.

You may know that I'm a proponent of full-spectrum light. I know that red and infrared light is beneficial, but full-spectrum light is superior. Halogen light bulbs - slowly being banded by numbskull politicians - provide a close approximation to full-spectrum light (sunlight). I just bought 5 of these today and they are delivered for free!


My videos on Energy Medicine



Energy Medicine Part 1

Energy Medicine Part 2

Energy Medicine Part 3

Energy Medicine Part 4

Energy Medicine Part 5

Energy Medicine Part 6

Energy Medicine Part 7


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