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Writer's pictureDr. Thomas J. Lewis

Controversial Subject - Part 2 - Antioxidants

Dr. Michelle Gamble and I are building a FOUNDATIONAL MEDICINE training program. I am currently working on a module titled "Lymphatic System Immunity." An overlooked area of immunity is the action of fats. Why do you think your lipoproteins elevate when you are sick? There are several that elevate, but the main one is LDL.

Make no mistake - LDL - low-density lipoprotein is simply a fat transport vessel as are the other lipoproteins. And, we all have another name for a fat transport vessel ....


One job of the lymphatic system is to transport fats through chylomicrons.


Chylomicrons are large triglyceride-rich lipoproteins produced in enterocytes from dietary lipids—namely, fatty acids, and cholesterol. Chylomicrons are composed of a main central lipid core that consists primarily of triglycerides, however like other lipoproteins, they carry esterified cholesterol and phospholipids.


Here is a statement about the importance of the fat-soluble vitamin A and it's relationship to the lymphatic system.

"Most important of all, the forgotten genius of vitamin A is its amazing ability to direct immune tolerance in the body through the cooperative interactions of gut-associated lymphoid tissues, Secretory IgA, bacterial communities and dendritic cells."

Thus we know that fat-soluble vitamins (and other substances like the many compounds in fish oil) play a role in lymphatic and general immunity.

The key fat-soluble vitamins (all found in cod liver oil) are vitamins A, D, E, and Ks. Of these, vitamin E has the strongest antioxidant properties. I believe in the importance of vitamin E. I also believe that the dose makes the poison and the cure. In the case of vitamins A, D, and K2, people should achieve an intake well above the RDA (we know the feds don't use science). The same is true for vitamin E wrt the RDA, but I strongly urge against going above 5X of the RDA. Read Part 1 (below) for an explanation.

In the following article:

"In several studies, data have shown that elderly humans, as well as laboratory and farm animals, consuming diets that contain more than five times the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin E for their species had significantly increased humoral and cell-mediated immune responses and increased resistance to infectious diseases compared to non-supplemented controls.

Two important statements emerge from this study.

  1. "consuming diets that contain...."

  2. "more than five times the RDA"

They are not discussing or recommending supplementation. The RDA for vitamin E is 15 mg/day which translates to 22 IU. A basic Swanson's Vitamins vitamin E is 450 mg or 665 IU. Five times the RDA is 60 mg, not 450. Pure Encapsulation recommends the same dose, which is too high for this powerful antioxidant.

If you read "Part 1" and what is to follow here, the concern is that your immune system is oxidative and your repair system is anti-oxidative. You need to balance the two to be healthy. It may be that when you are sick, you are best to avoid any type of ant supplementation and let your innate and adaptive OXIDATIVE immune system do its job.

Note - I am not advocating for avoiding "antioxidant" FOODS!.

Here, I am reprinting blogs on antioxidants that I wrote many years ago.


Supplemental Antioxidants Cause More Disease.  Find Out  What and Why. - Part 1.


This is part 1 of a 3-part blog on the harm caused by excess antioxidant supplementation.  It is based on the latest research and an article in The Washington Post titled, “The latest study about antioxidants is terrifying. Scientists think they may boost cancer cells to spread faster.”


Often a negative result provides us as much or more information than a positive result. In this case, the recent findings on the adverse effects of antioxidants helps explain a lot about health and disease. Particularly,

1.     It helps explain the mechanism of action of our immune system to protect us.

2.     It substantiates the involvement of pathogens in disease, and illustrates the interconnectedness of disease.

3.     It shows how antioxidant research may be misinterpreted and our “healthy use” recommendations.


Part 1 – Antioxidants and Immune defense.


What are free radicals? They are those dreaded reactive oxygen species (ROS) associated with oxidative stress and aging that we are told we must eliminate from our bodies to stay young, healthy, and beautiful. But our immune system produces and uses free radials, such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, to preserve our health. Somewhere there is a contradiction!  


Here is an excerpt from Harvard Medical School.  [i] “When you were a kid your mom poured it (hydrogen peroxide) on your scraped finger to stave off infection. When you got older you might have even used it to bleach your hair. Now there’s another possible function for this over-the-counter colorless liquid: your body might be using (producing) hydrogen peroxide as an envoy that marshals troops of healing cells to wounded tissue.”


Antioxidants scavenge (remove) ROS, including those produced from hydrogen peroxide. Since the ROS are often fighting against unwanted invaders in our body, this antioxidant action is working against our body and our good health.


Let’s go back in time to when scientists were first discovered how human immunity worked against bacteria and toxins. Here is an article from 1973 that reveals the essence of immunity. It is titled, “Biological Defense Mechanisms. THE PRODUCTION BY LEUKOCYTES (white blood cells) OF SUPEROXIDE, A POTENTIAL BACTERICIDAL AGENT.” [ii]


For those interested in reading the technical “punch line,” look further below. But for the casual reader, here is a simplified interpretation of this work that, in 1973, was ground-breaking in understanding how our immune system actually works.


Simplified explanation: White blood cells, which are the first line of defense against outside invaders. These cells take up oxygen and convert it to a very powerful and destructive substance called superoxide. This substance is produced to kill pathogens  and alter other substances that do not belong in our bodies and are responsible for disease. Thus white blood cells and the ROS they produce are part of our defense against sickness.


From the article (detailed explanation): “It has recently become apparent that biological systems are able to convert oxygen into a compound of great reactivity. This compound, the superoxide anion, is an extremely powerful oxidation-reduction reagent, capable of undergoing either oxidation to oxygen or reduction to hydrogen peroxide with the liberation of large amounts of energy. The production of this compound by the one-electron reduction of oxygen in biological systems, together with its reactivity, suggested it as a possible killing agent in leukocytes (white blood cells). In the following communication, we report evidence for the production of superoxide by phagocytizing (to envelop and destroy bacteria and other foreign material) leukocytes.


ROS can help protect us against heavy metals and other toxins too. Certain chemical substances that we ingest or take in through our skin or the air are toxic to our bodies. Examples include lead from paint and benzene from gasoline. Often, our bodies cannot simply remove these substances because of their physical properties such as solubility. Superoxide (free radicals) can interact with these harmful substances and do one or more things to the toxin. First, it can alter its structure through oxidation. The new structure may have less toxicity compared to the original compound – making it less harmful to the body. Second, oxidized substances tend to be more soluble in water. Water soluble substances are more easily removed from our bodies because our circulatory and lymphatic systems are water-based.

[ii] Babior, Bernard M., Ruby S. Kipnes, and John T. Curnutte. "Biological defense mechanisms. The production by leukocytes of superoxide, a potential bactericidal agent." Journal of Clinical Investigation 52.3 (1973): 741.

Let’s recap!

1. ROS (free radicals, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide) are produced by our white blood cells as part of our defense mechanism (immunity) to protect us from pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites) and other harmful substances. 2. Antioxidants are known to scavenge (remove) ROS. The consequences are the proliferation of harmful pathogens and toxicity from harmful substances.

  1. Antioxidants, like essentially everything in life, are not bad in moderation. Disease is (almost) always an issue of excess and/or deficiency. This is also known as balance. People who eat a healthy diet are generally more healthy compared to people who eat a poor diet. By definition, a healthy diet includes vegetables and other foods naturally high in antioxidants. Obtaining antioxidants from foods, not from concentrated supplements, allows our bodies to achieve balance. And clearly our foods contain complimentary ingredients that regulate the action of the food-based antioxidants. We evolved on healthy whole foods, not supplements. Don’t upset your internal balance – eat a sound diet and do not “overdose.” The simple expression, you can have too much of a good thing applies to antioxidants too.


Supplemental Antioxidants Cause Increased Rates of Cancer.  Find Out Why. (Part 2.)


This is part 2 of a 3-part blog on the harm caused by excess antioxidant supplementation.  It is based on the latest research and an article in The Washington Post titled, “The latest study about antioxidants is terrifying. Scientists think they may boost cancer cells to spread faster.”


Often a negative result provides us as much or more information than a positive result. In this case, the recent findings on the adverse effects of antioxidants helps explain a lot about health and disease. Particularly.

1.     It helps explain the mechanism of action of our immune system to protect us.

2.     It substantiates the involvement of pathogens in disease, and illustrates the interconnectedness of disease.

3.     How antioxidant research may be misinterpreted and our “healthy use” recommendations.


Part 2 – How are Alzheimer’s, Heart disease, and Cancer connected and how are antioxidants involved?


Last time we learned (or reinforced) that white blood cells attack pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites) and toxins by releasing a very powerful agent named superoxide. Today let’s explore how bacteria is connected to three of the most significant diseases in society today – Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease, and how antioxidant supplementation is the wrong approach.


Alzheimer’s Disease:

 I blogged about this recently ( and my book – “The End of Alzheimer’s – A Differential Diagnosis Toward A Cure,” discusses the Alzheimer’s/Infection connection at length. Another important resource is the site maintained by the International Alzheimer’s Research Foundation in Switzerland ( Simply put, we contend there is adequate proof that, when our immune system is weakened, opportunistic pathogens can cross the blood/brain barrier, infecting and destroying neurons contributing to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.



This too, is the subject of the same recent blog (I blogged about this recently ( The American Cancer Society recognizes that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is responsible for at least 5% of all cancers worldwide. H-pylori, a bacterium, is a known human stomach carcinogen.  Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, through the microscope he invented, was able to see bacteria in tumors and by implanting the bacteria in other animals demonstrated the growth of new tumors. What do we believe is the mechanism for this action? When our immune system is weakened, opportunistic pathogens infect cells, possibly cancer stem cells, leading to abnormal proliferation of cells derived from the stem cells, resulting in tumors.


Cardiovascular Diseases:


Arguably the best explanation as to why cholesterol is NOT the cause of cardiovascular disease but pathogens are, is provided by Dr. Kilmer S. McCully. This elegant man was thrown out of Harvard because he believed in the homocysteine theory of cardiovascular disease, and not the cholesterol theory. However, Dr. McCully has made a comeback and Harvard took him back as well. A New York Times article explains the entire story (


Dr. McCully recently wrote a paper that explains cardiovascular disease, the title of which is too long and complicated. [i] However, here is the key excerpt.


“Ott et al.   identified fragments from >50 different microbial species within atherosclerotic plaques, with an average of 12, but not a single one in normal arterial tissue.”


Atherosclerotic plaques are responsible for most forms of cardiovascular disease including:  heart attacks, stroke, angina, and peripheral artery disease.


Who has a heart attacks and dies? Standard medicine will tell you it is those with high cholesterol. However, a highly decorated professor at Harvard, Paul Ridker (who just happens to be on the Crestor (statin) patent), wrote a book that clearly show half of the people with cardiovascular disease do NOT have elevated cholesterol. How can cholesterol be the cause if half the sufferers do not have the “cause?” What Dr. Ridker also showed (and medical researchers from around the globe continue to show) is that a marker of inflammation is elevated in ALL the cardiovascular disease sufferers. Thus the common denominator is not cholesterol rather it is inflammation.


Is inflammation the cause of cardiovascular diseases? Inflammation is manifestation of our immune response. Dr. McCully clearly shows that the real cause are those >50 microbial species and they, as do most invaders, trigger an immune response and inflammation.


Let’s review how cardiovascular diseases erupt in our bodies. When our immune system is weakened, opportunistic pathogens infect cells, including vascular cells,  causing and inflammation response and leading to atherosclerotic plaques that eventually cause a range of cardiovascular/heart diseases.


Final Point


Do bacteria and other pathogens CAUSE Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and Cardiovascular disease? The answer is a resounding NO. However, if we do not take care of our selves and allow our immune system to weaken, they are certainly able to deliver the final blow. Since antioxidants, in excess, can inhibit the activity of white blood cells and other parts of our immune system, their improper dosage can contribute to these three deadly and debilitating diseases.


Let’s recap!  The immune system protects us from infection. Antioxidants interferes with a primary activity of the immune system allowing infection to increase.  Cancer spreads with antioxidant supplementation and, to a lesser extent, so does Alzheimer’s and heart disease. This suggests there is a common denominator with these diseases, that being an immune system that is compromised followed by growth in infection that is accelerated with an excess antioxidants.

[i] Ravnskov, Uffe, and Kilmer S. McCully. "Vulnerable plaque formation from obstruction of vasa vasorum by homocysteinylated and oxidized lipoprotein aggregates complexed with microbial remnants and LDL autoantibodies." Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science 39.1 (2009): 3-16.


Part 3. Supplemental Antioxidants Cause Increased Rates of Cancer -  Find Out Why. (Part 3)


This is part 3 of a 3-part blog on the harm caused by excess antioxidant supplementation.  It is based on the latest research and an article in The Washington Post titled, “The latest study about antioxidants is terrifying. Scientists think they may boost cancer cells to spread faster.”


Part 3 – How antioxidant research may be misinterpreted and our “healthy use” recommendations.

In Part 2, we learned (or reinforced) that the three major chronic diseases, cardiovascular, Alzheimer’s and cancer are caused by immune system deterioration and opportunistic  pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites) and toxins.


Antioxidant Science:

Now bare with me for a minute, while I explain the chemistry behind antioxidants.


To work, an antioxidant participates in what is know as a Redox Reaction, aka an oxidation/reduction reaction. In a redox reaction one substance gains and electron (the “bad” reactive oxygen species, for example) and the other substance loses an electron (in this case, the antioxidant).  The one that loses the electron is “oxidized.” This should make sense, the antioxidant becomes oxidized to do its work.  Yes, the aggressive free-radical containing ROS is neutralized to some extent, but the now-oxidized antioxidant is, in some instances, a free-radical containing substance.  If it doesn’t contain free radicals, it is an oxidant. The free radical has either NOT been neutralized or the new substance can cause oxidative stress! Hopefully it is less aggressive compared to the original substance.


Antioxidants – Friend or Foe?


In an article titled, “Antioxidants - friend or foe?” [i] Dr. Meffert from Germany states,  “Particularly in the field of advertising and in popular scientific journals, antioxidants such as β-carotene (from carrots) or lycopenes (from tomatoes) and the vitamins C and E are one-sidedly portrayed as substances capable of offering protection against cancer or ageing because they diminish or prevent the effects of free radicals. However, free radicals should by no means be considered as being exclusively destructive. On the contrary, processes such as energy metabolism (in the respiratory chain) and in immune defense against pathogens and foreign bodies depend on the formation of free radicals.” And,

 “Treatment with beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E may increase mortality.”


Dr. Meffert goes on to say, “Many people with above-average consumption of fruits and vegetables undoubtedly demonstrate a lower risk of developing lung cancer.”


Dr. Meffert points out what we are learning from recent finding, that excess antioxidants, from supplements, are harmful. This should not come as a surprise as “the dose (always) makes the poison.” Another way to state this is anything in excess, including water, can be either damaging or fatal.


Do Antioxidants Work?


Now let’s turn to another issue regarding antioxidants. We often hear about “miracle” therapies that make people feel better quite quickly. This is the foundation of modern medicine. We have a headache and take a pill to quickly relieve the headache. We have sore joints or muscles and take an NSAID for relief. In more severe diseases, steroids are administered to provide tremendous relief. But what happens when the treatment is removed? Is the disease gone or do the symptoms  reappear indicating that the underlying cause was not affected by the steroids, for example?


I have no doubt that, short-term, antioxidant supplementation may lead to short term, but short-lived benefits. The same is true with inflammation. Drugs that lower inflammation always make the sufferer feel better. But antioxidant treatment of so-called oxidative stress or anti-inflammatory treatment of inflammation do not treat disease, rather they interfere with our bodies curative immune system. Eventually, the person gets much worse when short-term benefits vaporize.


What I believe is often lacking in antioxidant studies are long-term results focusing on the most important endpoint – mortality. The beta carotene results strongly show the negative consequences of antioxidant supplementation. And now the results with the strong antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine, is supporting previous findings that too much antioxidant is detrimental to our health.  Antioxidants do not work in isolation from other substances in our bodies. That is why obtaining our nutrients from food much more healthful compared to taking supplements. In foods, we get all the right complimentary nutrients to ensure proper assimilation and use of nutrients, including antioxidants.


My recommendation is simple – get your antioxidants from whole, natural food, not from pills. When you do this, it’s almost impossible to create and excess or imbalance that can be harmful.


Lets recap:


1.     Free radicals (reactive oxygen species) should by no means be considered as being destructive as they are fundamental to many life-sustaining processes.

2.     Immune defense against pathogens and foreign bodies depend on the formation of free radicals.

3.     New finding for the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine parallels those for beta-carotene. People on these supplements get more cancer, long-term.

4.     The dose makes the poison. Obtain your antioxidants by eating healthy, whole, natural foods.


[i] Meffert, Hans. "Antioxidants-friend or foe?." Ger Med Sci 6 (2008).


Blog Part 1 below:

Below is a blog I posted in 2015 on antioxidants. Antioxidants cover a wide range of substances. It's a similarly broad category like fats. We all know there are healthy fats and very unhealthy fats. So, too, are there good and not so good antioxidants. My focus is on disease mechanisms. As you may know, we focus on 4 disease mechanisms:

  1. Poor repair and recovery,

  2. Sensitivities,

  3. Thrive vs Survive, and

  4. Chronic (stealth) infections

Chronic infections are much more ubiquitous than is recognized in both allopathic and functional medicine. Your main defenses against such pathogens are your gut (strong acid and diverse microbiome), your innate immune system (white blood cells are key here) and your adaptive immunity (antibodies).

Both your innate and adaptive immune systems use oxidation as an important part of immune defense. Neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a major pathogen-killing pathway. Few know that antibodies (adaptive response) also produce ROS.

In our paper titled, "Innate Immune Response in COVID-19 and Immunoaugmentive Activity of Ozone Therapy," we site a paper authored by the President of Scripps Research Institute.

"Significantly, researchers at Scripps Research Institute clearly demonstrated that antibodies can destroy pathogens by producing localized concentrations of ozone gas. According to the authors, “The ozone may be part of a previously unrecognized killing mechanism that would enhance the defensive role of antibodies by allowing them to subject pathogens to hydrogen peroxide and participate directly in their killing. Previously, antibodies were believed only to signal an immune response.” This landmark finding illustrates the elegance and interconnectedness of the innate and adaptive immune system. It also supports the thesis that exogenous ozone, when used at physiologically safe levels, can be a natural, safe, and effective treatment of pathogens."

Some antioxidants have the potential to scavenge (reduce) ROS - including those produced by our innate and adaptive immune system. Dr. Trempe, my key mentor, found out that some of his patients who were taking high doses of vitamin E developed more bleeding gums, which stopped when they stopped the vitamin E supplementation. Although anecdotal, we believe that the (high levels of) vitamin E was reducing the efforts of the ROS to control the periodontal infections.

I recommend that antioxidants that impact the action of our innate and adaptive immune system should only be obtained through food, and not through supplementation. Which are these? This will be the subject of a future blog - but vitamin E is clearly one of them.

Here is blog part 1 on antioxidants from 2015.


Supplemental Antioxidants Cause More Disease. Find Out What and Why - Part 1.

This is part 1 of a 3-part blog on the harm caused by excess antioxidant supplementation. It is based on the latest research and an article in The Washington Post titled, “The latest study about antioxidants is terrifying. Scientists think they may boost cancer cells to spread faster.” Often a negative result provides us as much or more information than a positive result. In this case, the recent findings on the adverse effects of antioxidants helps explain a lot about health and disease. Particularly, 1. It helps explain the mechanism of action of our immune system to protect us. 2. It substantiates the involvement of pathogens in disease, and illustrates the interconnectedness of disease. 3. It shows how antioxidant research may be misinterpreted and our “healthy use” recommendations. Part 1 – Antioxidants and Immune defense. What are free radicals? They are those dreaded reactive oxygen species (ROS) associated with oxidative stress and aging that we are told we must eliminate from our bodies to stay young, healthy, and beautiful. But our immune system produces and uses free radials, such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, to preserve our health. Somewhere there is a contradiction! Here is an excerpt from Harvard Medical School. [i] “When you were a kid your mom poured it (hydrogen peroxide) on your scraped finger to stave off infection. When you got older you might have even used it to bleach your hair. Now there’s another possible function for this over-the-counter colorless liquid: your body might be using (producing) hydrogen peroxide as an envoy that marshals troops of healing cells to wounded tissue.” Antioxidants scavenge (remove) ROS, including those produced from hydrogen peroxide. Since the ROS are often fighting against unwanted invaders in our body, this antioxidant action is working against our body and our good health. Let’s go back in time to when scientists were first discovered how human immunity worked against bacteria and toxins. Here is an article from 1973 that reveals the essence of immunity. It is titled, “Biological Defense Mechanisms. THE PRODUCTION BY LEUKOCYTES (white blood cells) OF SUPEROXIDE, A POTENTIAL BACTERICIDAL AGENT.” [ii]

For those interested in reading the technical “punch line,” look further below. But for the casual reader, here is a simplified interpretation of this work that, in 1973, was ground-breaking in understanding how our immune system actually works.

Simplified explanation: White blood cells, which are the first line of defense against outside invaders. These cells take up oxygen and convert it to a very powerful and destructive substance called superoxide. This substance is produced to kill pathogens and alter other substances that do not belong in our bodies and are responsible for disease. Thus white blood cells and the ROS they produce are part of our defense against sickness.

From the article (detailed explanation): “It has recently become apparent that biological systems are able to convert oxygen into a compound of great reactivity. This compound, the superoxide anion, is an extremely powerful oxidation-reduction reagent, capable of undergoing either oxidation to oxygen or reduction to hydrogen peroxide with the liberation of large amounts of energy. The production of this compound by the one-electron reduction of oxygen in biological systems, together with its reactivity, suggested it as a possible killing agent in leukocytes (white blood cells). In the following communication, we report evidence for the production of superoxide by phagocytizing (to envelop and destroy bacteria and other foreign material) leukocytes.

ROS can help protect us against heavy metals and other toxins too. Certain chemical substances that we ingest or take in through our skin or the air are toxic to our bodies. Examples include lead from paint and benzene from gasoline. Often, our bodies cannot simply remove these substances because of their physical properties such as solubility. Superoxide (free radicals) can interact with these harmful substances and do one or more things to the toxin. First, it can alter its structure through oxidation. The new structure may have less toxicity compared to the original compound – making it less harmful to the body. Second, oxidized substances tend to be more soluble in water. Water soluble substances are more easily removed from our bodies because our circulatory and lymphatic systems are water-based.

Let’s recap!

1. ROS (free radicals, hydrogen peroxide, superoxide) are produced by our white blood cells as part of our defense mechanism (immunity) to protect us from pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites) and other harmful substances. 2. Antioxidants are known to scavenge (remove) ROS. The consequences are the proliferation of harmful pathogens and toxicity from harmful substances.

Antioxidants, like essentially everything in life, are not bad in moderation. Disease is (almost) always an issue of excess and/or deficiency. This is also known as balance. People who eat a healthy diet are generally more healthy compared to people who eat a poor diet. By definition, a healthy diet includes vegetables and other foods naturally high in antioxidants. Obtaining antioxidants from foods, not from concentrated supplements, allows our bodies to achieve balance. And clearly our foods contain complimentary ingredients that regulate the action of the food-based antioxidants. We evolved on healthy whole foods, not supplements. Don’t upset your internal balance – eat a sound diet and do not “overdose.” The simple expression, you can have too much of a good thing applies to antioxidants too.


[ii] Babior, Bernard M., Ruby S. Kipnes, and John T. Curnutte. "Biological defense mechanisms. The production by leukocytes of superoxide, a potential bactericidal agent." Journal of Clinical Investigation 52.3 (1973): 741.


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What is the Chronic Disease Support program?

1. It is a weekly live, interactive, 1h, webinar on Zoom covering important health-related topics.

2. The schedule is Mondays at 12 noon EST and Tuesday at 8 pm EST. The topic is the same at both times/dates. We offer 2 times per week to accommodate schedules.

Monday Zoom link (noon EST):

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copy and paste to your browser at the designed time to join.


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