A famous doctor told me and a client today the following...
Too many brain-focused doctors look above the neck and not below the neck.
What is missing in this statement?
The Neck!
Listen to Dr. David Harshfield explain this most delicate and overlooked area of the body that has the potential to impact brain health dramatically.
Where do you find a practitioner?
What to Expect From Atlas Orthogonal Technique https://uppercervicalawareness.com/what-to-expect-from-atlas-orthogonal-technique/
https://www.kktspine.com/kktstory/ (not in US)
Other resources:
Craniocervical Junction Disorders - https://weillcornellbrainandspine.org/condition/craniocervical-junction-disorders
We conclude that restoration of Atlas alignment is associated with marked and sustained reductions in BP similar to the use of two-drug combination therapy.
Dr. Jennifer Taylor At The Dr. Ardis Show: An Atlas Correction Makes A Lot Of Difference
How upper cervical chiropractic works.
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