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Hazards of Pharma

Updated: Feb 15

I received this email.

Hi Dr. Lewis, I ran across the article today about the dangers of taking Benzo’s with Lyme disease. Thoughts?

This was my response:

Stanford Medical School states that, on average, pharmaceuticals have 300 side effects. No one can anticipate or manage all these.

What are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines are depressants that produce sedation and hypnosis, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and reduce seizures.

The most common benzodiazepines are the prescription drugs Valium®, Xanax®, Halcion®, Ativan®, and Klonopin®. Shorter-acting benzodiazepines used to manage insomnia include estazolam (ProSom®), flurazepam (Dalmane®), temazepam (Restoril®), and triazolam (Halcion®). Midazolam (Versed®), a short-acting benzodiazepine, is utilized for sedation, anxiety, and amnesia in critical care settings and prior to anesthesia.

Importantly, the action of these drugs on the brain are not well understood. Here is what little is known.

What is their effect on the body?

Benzodiazepines slow down the central nervous system and may cause sleepiness and relaxed mood. Benzodiazepines are associated with amnesia, hostility, irritability, and vivid or disturbing dreams.

1 in 6 Americans take psychiatric medications and they account for 5 of the top 50 drugs sold in the U.S (

From the abstract.

Understanding the effects of psychiatric medications during mental health treatment constitutes an active area of inquiry. While clinical trials help evaluate the effects of these medications, many trials suffer from a lack of generalizability to broader populations.

In conclusion, our work represents a novel dynamic viewpoint onto mental health— limitations notwithstanding, it captures the real-time variation and accounts for dynamic systems theory, network theory, and instability mechanisms (Nelson et al. 2017). Such a new window onto the field clearly contrasts the traditional static viewpoint on the effects of psychiatric medications. It warrants further research in this evolving space and opens up interesting opportunities beyond existing reporting methodologies.

Translation: You do not know what you are getting when you take these drugs. Does this remind you of something? the Jab possibly?


Cautionary advice regarding “benzo” drugs for Lyme patients.

Firstly, very few people know they have Lyme disease.

Secondly, "Lyme" is a disease of spirochetal infections. The oral cavity is a MAJOR source of spirochetes - thus what I call Lyme Syndrome - if not outright Lyme Disease. But I posit it is the same thing.

Even though the Feds say only ~25,000 people have Lyme (this number changes every years). Importantly, who is testing the population for Lyme? A "cholesterol" panel does NOT detect Lyme.

Ken Stoller, MD indicates that 20% of the U.S. population has Lyme disease, and most have CHRONIC lyme, the symptoms of which are not titrated to Lyme by the majority of doctors.

I suggest you look at this blog, read the article on mental health, and watch the video. Dr. Stoller says he sometimes treats "clinically." This is a VERY IMPORTANT CONCEPT. It means, even though tests are not definitive, if the patient is miserable - TREAT THEM!

It is shocking how many people I work with are told by their doctor, "your labs look good" or "it's all in your head."

I believe Dr. Stollers estimate of 20% of the U.S. population is either correct or a low estimate because so many americans have oral disease - and thus probably spirochetes.

Effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal and Lyme disease

Recent studies have shown that patients with Lyme disease who are in tolerance (have become chemically dependent) to their benzodiazepine or going through withdrawal from tapering or cessation of the drug may experience more severe and prolonged withdrawal symptoms than those without Lyme disease.

This could be because Lyme disease can impact the functioning of the central nervous system, which can also be affected by benzodiazepine withdrawal.

A study published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine in 2018 found that patients with Lyme disease who were undergoing benzodiazepine withdrawal had a higher rate of insomnia, anxiety, and other withdrawal symptoms than those without Lyme disease.

Additionally, the study found that these symptoms persisted for longer in patients with Lyme disease, even after the benzodiazepine had been eliminated from their system (Hassett et al., 2018).

Lyme Disease and spirochetes are not the only organisms that impact the functioning of the central nervous system. Common notables are: chlamydia pneumoniae and various viruses.

Dr. Miklossy, a good friend, has provided more proof of the spirochete/brain connection than any other human.

Same applies to Dr. Ruth Itzhaki wrt viruses.


Lyme and other infections can impact the action of mood drugs. However, mood drugs can impact the action of infections.

Our favorite pharmacist, Billy Wease educated us on the side effects of drugs. Surprisingly and shockingly, Stanford Medical School showed that the average number of side effects caused by big pharma is 329.

There are 329 side effects from a single drug per Stanford Medical School.

Here is the link to that article.

So far the OFFSIDES database includes an average of 329 new adverse events for each of the 1,332 drugs included in the system. (The average number of adverse events listed on a drug’s package insert is 69.) The TWOSIDES database identifies 1,301 adverse events, resulting from an analysis of 59,220 pairs of drugs that cannot be clearly assigned to either drug alone.

Good doctors are concerned about "polypharma," but this study shows we should also be highly concerned about MONOPHARMA.

In the Stanford paper they conclude by saying, if we learn about pathways of drug action, we can design safer drugs.

Hmmm. Wouldn't it be better to provide our populations BETTER FOOD?


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