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Writer's pictureDr. Thomas J. Lewis

Introducing our New "Health Creation" System

Updated: Feb 21

What good healthcare providers do is create a thorough diagnostic and risk profile. All to often, the emphasis is on labs. Labs are VERY IMPORTANT. However, in most cases, they answer the question WHAT?, but not WHY?

Even more important is the answer to the question WHY?

For example, if three people have elevated CRP for inflammation, what is the intervention? Is it the same for all three people?

Person 1 may have root canals and a corresponding oral infection that has spread systemically.

Person 2 may have a leaky gut and poor gut health leading to a systemic allergic/immune reaction.

Person 3 may have a a nutrient deficiency and high fasting insulin leading to poor repair of tissue.

Your traditional doctor, no doubt, would put all 3 on a statin drug, metformin, and a BP med. What else do they have in their tool chest?

However, the risk assessment is able to differentiate between these 3 cases and create a more personalized and precise plan of remediation - with CRP being a target biomarker for measuring success.

We are now implementing what we call SP5 health. Here is what the SP5 means:

  1. Scalable

  2. Predictive

  3. Precision

  4. Preemptive

  5. Personalized

  6. Participatory

This graphic describe the concepts and the processes.


What is most important? - Preemptive Assessment

What is most preemptive and predictive? Risks, not labs. This chart explains the transition through the stages of developing poor health. It all starts with adverse changes to our internal terrain. Our "milieu intérieur" as explained by Claude Bernard in the 1860s.

“the stability of the internal environment [the milieu intérieur] is the condition for the free and independent life.”


How does it work?

We have built an "intelligent" system with an EMR called "EData." This system amalgamates all the important attributes of the SP5 concept.

Some of you may already be in that system while others are still using the GetHealthie system. The problem with GetHealthie is that the data is static. Whereas, the data in the EData system is dynamic. I won't spend the time describing the differences, but instead will show you examples of how the system works.

Step 1 (after setting up an account) - take our detail risk survey. Here is a sample output from that process. As opposed to the GetHealthie system, you get this report immediately upon completing the survey.

When you or your provider scans the report, your general and specific risks become VERY APPARENT - based on our scoring and highlighting algorithms. These results are NOT a guess. We have published a paper that shows how our risk scoring system predicts labs and visa versa.

What does this mean?

If you improve your risk score by implementing suggestions, your labs will improve!

What does improving labs mean?

The references ranges we use in the lab report (see below) are all based on early mortality risk - therefore:

  • Improve your risk score will

  • improve your lab score will

  • lower your risk of dying young will

  • improve your health (longer life is DIRECTLY CONNECTED to a healthier life. AKA an extended health span!

Would you agree this is a pretty good deal?

Included in the report is a detailed set of "suggestions" to help you improve your risk score. Here is an example list connected to the PDF report provided above.

Here is an example output for just one of the suggestions.


Another important concept embedded into this system is called the "Hierarchy of Health." What does this mean?

When you build a new house, what is more important, the integrity of the foundation or the windows you choose?

The hierarchy of health is simple a step-wise process of interventions implemented in the order of most importance to least importance.

This diagram explains the approach.

Here are a couple of example case studies:

Case 1 - my own daughter

She was having severe energy issues and hired a functional doctor at a cost of $5,500. The doc determined she had yeast in her blood. Over the course of a year he completely eradicated the yeast. Unfortunately, this protocol DID NOT IMPROVE her health.

I determined she had chronic MONO - very high EBV infection. I put her on the Brownstein protocol and added some probiotics - a very inexpensive intervention. This is her latest text to me.

"I am doing better than ever. Health is great, energy is great! I won my two hockey games this week" (she plays in an adult hockey league and is the only female.)

Case 2 - 30 yo with severe arthritis and fatigue. He needed a cane to walk!

This young man saw 4 functional doctors and spend $$$ going to Panama Riordan Clinic for stem cell therapy. NO IMPROVEMENT.

I put him on Brownstein, probiotics, and a doctor colleague prescribed doxycycline. In one month he was off his cane and working out. In 6 months he indicates he is ~80 healed.

Case 3 - Corporate client

Since my team has been working with this population of employees - over the past 7 years - they have not raised health premiums once. This is a stunning result considering 1/2 of the employees are road warriors, performing demolition work at remote locations 3 weeks out of every month.

This is what happens when you measure correctly, and intervene using logical, efficient, and cost-effective solutions. The hierarchy of health is embedded into all our suggestions.


Now let's look at the lab report.

There is a lot of important information to unpack from this report.

First, you are provided an overall "mortality risk" score presented on a 0-10 scale.

Second, you are provided with a risk scores in several categories of health. This helps you and your practitioner focus in on the most important labs and associated risks (from the risk report).

As you can see, the analytics clearly show most efforts should be directed toward anti-clotting strategies.

There is much more important information in this report. Here is one of the most important - that being EVIDENCE.

We provide you with evidence that helps you understand why your lab markers are telling you that you are at risk of dying young (and becoming or continuing to feel lousy).

One of the most important aspects of this new system is that you and your provider will not overlook risks and health problems.

Look at the list of suggestions above. Do you think your provider can come up with all these suggestions in a consult? I know I often forget or overlook one or two key concepts (or more). For example, our blood pressure control suggestion have 8 concepts to consider implementing. And this is just one suggestion! It is impossible for a human to remember and organize all this information multiple times/day? However, this system does not suffer from memory lapses.

If only we could design such a system to help our President remember the names of Heads of States!

What I am not showing, is that lab values ALSO drive suggestions. Some of these are simple, for example you are not optimal in Vitamin D. Others require more detailed interventions, for example elevated Uric Acid.


Summary: This new SP5 Edata platform enables patients and practitioners to get high level insights into human health while diving deep into the weeds to solve both simple and complex health problems.

We have a team of doctors reviewing, updating, and creating health protocols and suggestions that are efficient, cost-effective, actionable and efficacious.

I hope all of you consider running through this process - and the sooner the better!

Nothing is harder to reverse than a late-stage disease.


Weekly Webinar Links: Join us for detailed health information - at no charge. All are welcome.

Monday at noon EST -

Wednesday at 8 pm EST -


Be Bold - Be Brave - Stay Well


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