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Writer's pictureDr. Thomas J. Lewis

Retinal Detachment - What Causes It?

My "doctor" - meaning "teacher," Dr. Trempe was THE ophthalmologist. His patients loved him, and he spoke the truth. Sometimes, the truth can sound funny. For example, when someone had a health problem and was unsure of a solution, he would say, "Do you think God doesn't love you, or do you think there is a reason?

Retinal detachments are such a case. That is, people think they happen out of the blue. NOT TRUE.

Trauma could be a cause. However, most people I encountered with retinal detachment did NOT have trauma. Nonetheless, it must be considered.

AI says, "Yes, trauma can cause retinal detachment, which is considered an emergency that requires immediate medical attention. Traumatic retinal detachment (TrRD) is a rare complication of blunt trauma that accounts for 10–40% of all detachments. It's caused by breaks in the retina that allow fluid from the vitreous cavity to pass into the subretinal space."

What about the other 60-90%?

If you follow me and Dr. Carter, you know we are all about inflammation and its causes - with focus on stealth infections.

I hope this next paragraph does not create confusion - but I asked AI if stem cells work in an inflamed body. Here is the "artificial"intelligence answer.

"Yes, stem cells can reduce inflammation in the body, which can help the body fight illness. Stem cell therapy involves injecting harvested stem cells into injured areas to decrease inflammation and pain, and stimulate healing. This therapy can help with bone, muscle, joint, ligament, and soft tissue injuries."


Be cautious of AI answers. Humans are programming these systems and big pharma probably has an influence.

I have documented many cases of people getting stem cell therapy and received no benefits. These people where highly inflamed with high WBC, CRP, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Why the discussion on stem cells here? Because your retina, and it's attachments, need to be constantly repaired, just like muscle tissue after exercise. You have "endogenous stem cells that participate in the repair process. Your natural stem cells are less effective when inflamed. A high level description of this process is called CHRONIC DISEASE.

If you are a Trekkie, you know that the spaceship cannot fire its phasers when the defenses are employed.

See the connection?


Here is an example of a cause of retinal detachment.

IMHO, Korea's and Singapore's health systems lead the world (but they are still not very good).


Ocular toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the infection with Toxoplasma gondii through congenital or acquired routes. Once the parasite reaches the retina, it proliferates within host cells followed by rupture of the host cells and invasion into neighboring cells to make primary lesions. Sometimes the restricted parasite by the host immunity in the first scar is activated to infect another lesion nearby the scar.

Blurred vision is the main complaint of ocular toxoplasmic patients and can be diagnosed by detection of antibodies or parasite DNA. Ocular toxoplasmosis needs therapy with several combinations of drugs to eliminate the parasite and accompanying inflammation; if not treated it sometimes leads to loss of vision.


Toxoplasma gondii is an ubiquitous obligate intracellular parasite, which infects both humans and warm-blooded animals as a zoonotic pathogen widespread in nature [1,2]. Approximately one-third of humans worldwide are estimated to be chronically infected with T. gondii [2,3]. However, the prevalence of the disease and the sources of infection vary among geographic regions with different toxoplasmic environments, i.e., different climates, eating habits, and hygiene status [4-7].

Punch line:

Ocular toxoplasmosis is a progressive and recurring necrotizing retinitis, with vision-threatening complications such as retinal detachment, choroidal neovascularization, and glaucoma, which may occur at any time during the clinical course.

You see, God does still love you, but so does Toxo!


Any infection that enjoys feeding off highly metabolic tissue like that found in the retina may lead to retinal detachment.

Conclusion: We suggest that Borrelia burgdorferi infection led to choroidal inflammation with secondary chorioretinal folds and a serous retinal detachment, which resolved with antibiotic therapy alone. This supports the suspicion of an intraocular infection, perhaps involving the choroid, as opposed to a secondary autoimmune reaction.

Final comment: as opposed to a secondary autoimmune reaction. Autoimmunity is a cop-out diagnosis when the practitioner is clueless. That's why I always defer to the wisdom of Claude Bernard, the father of "healthy terrain" as more important than infections. Here is his quote.

Where can you find this quote? At the bottom of every one of my webpages!


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