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Writer's pictureDr. Thomas J. Lewis

Stealth Infections & Disease - 1

A disease usually represents the inconclusive negotiations for symbiosis, a biological misinterpretation of borders."

- Lewis Thomas

Here is a link to the Part 1 video on stealth infections.


Chapter 6 from "Health Freedom Lost - Eroding Health Freedom"

Chapter Title: The Stealth of Chronic Infections Ignored.

Here is the introduction and a pdf for the full chapter.

The Stealth of Chronic Infections Ignored

Summary: Many people who are unhealthy, when treated, get better. However, many people have lingering nagging symptoms that interfere with their quality of life. When this is the case, they most likely have a hidden infection. In health, we all recognize acute (immediate) and chronic (lingering) disease syndromes. However, only acute infections are recognized in standard medicine. This chapter explains the "stealth of chronic" infections and how to measure and treat them to reverse the most severe diseases our populations face.

The concept of infection-causing disease is historic. Chronic diseases are rampant because there are two different responses to infection - acute and chronic- but only acute infections are recognized in the standard of care. The standard of care completely ignores or dismisses chronic infection as a causal agent of chronic disease. However, the concept of chronic infection and chronic disease is extremely clear based on the work of eminent thought leaders in medicine.

It is difficult and expensive to demonstrate causation. For example, someone bitten by a tick in their youth may experience no or only mild immediate or acute symptoms. However, later in life, that person may develop unexplained joint pain and general malaise, including a few signs of chronic Lyme disease. This concept is called "crypticity." The term means it is hard to associate the exposure - the tick bite 40 years ago - and symptoms today.

Some of the historical leaders in the field of chronic infection in disease are:

·       Hippocrates;

·       Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard;

·       Robert Koch;

·       Alois Alzheimer;

·       Charles Mayo.

In more recent times, these individuals have made great contributions to the understanding of cryptic infections.

·       Judith Miklossy;

·       Paul Ewald;

·       Warren and Marshall;

·       Charles Stratton;

·       David Wheldon;

·       J. Thomas Grayston;

·       Clement L. Trempe and Kilmer S. McCully.

Dr. Ewald has written the most comprehensive and thoughtful pieces on chronic infections, their history, and their current contribution to modern disease. His book, "Plague Time - How Stealth Infections Cause Cancers, Heart Disease and Other Deadly Ailments," is a detailed dive into the root causes of many seemingly intractable and unexplainable diseases. In the introduction to this book, Ewald frames the concept quite succinctly.

"This book is not about the infectious diseases on which popular media have focused. It is not about the infectious threats to rich countries from the world's poor countries. The Ebola and West Nile viruses that captured headlines during the 1990s are, in fact, minor threats. The balance of evidence indicates that the major infectious plagues are not emerging from an African jungle.

Infections are already here, embedded in every society, in rich and poor countries alike.

They have been here for centuries, even millennia. They are as deadly and painful as the sensationalized plagues, but they have spread more insidiously and imperceptibly. They are slow-motion plagues that are difficult to recognize and difficult to control. The flash-fire outbreaks (COVID-19, for example) that make the headlines usually burn out on their own. The serious infectious plagues are not so easy to escape."


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Thank you, Dr. Lewis - I follow the same school of thought on infections as you- and, I so appreciate your deep diving into the research and sharing what you discover, with average people like me!❤️

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