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Concern and Plan for the Vaxxed

and if you have encountered shedding.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche discusses his concerns for the health of the vaccinated as the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to morph into VARIANTS.

He notes that the variants may be transmitted because they are developing, at least initially, without symptoms. He is also concerned about older people and people who were first in line for the vax.

However, the continued disturbing sudden deaths that are occurring across all ages makes the program we are offering (below) widely applicable.



Dr. Vanden Bossche makes 2 KEY recommendations that - IMHO - applies to the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike:

  1. Prophylactically treat yourself for viral infections. Here is my view on this.

If you are 60 or older and "vaccinated" then this is mandatory for your.

If you are NOT in this category buy your white blood cell counts are < 4000 counts/mL, then you should perform the antiviral protocols.

2. Optimize your immune system. SARS and its variants are suppressing immunity (as are the infections that are opportunistically developing because of SARS). Take our risk survey that is the least expensive way to determine your life risks - and by extension - your immunity. Labs are always helpful for purposes of confirmation. However, this program is intended to be as low cost as possible to help those who have been vaxxed, vaccine injured, or are on a tight budget.


How this program works:

STEP 1. Contact Jodi and she will set you up in our new system. You will take our risk survey that will provide you with recommendations to improve your risks - thus your immunity.

STEP 2. Attend one (or more) of 4 group meetings where our team will answer your questions about your risks, how to use the information from the survey to improve your risks, and what viral treatments we recommend. The times will be announced right after Labor Day.

STEP 3. Work with our prescribing team to get any prescription medications that may be appropriate. There is a $77 additional charge for the scripts - a single fee even if you get more than one script. In addition to scripts, methylene blue and other non-prescription antivirals will be made available through this service.

Cost of the program: $150 plus the $77 if you believe you need to obtain prescription antivirals or other meds.

To enroll, contact Jodi at and she will get you set up in the system, notify you about upcoming group meetings, and send you an invoice.



Weekly Webinar Links: Join us for detailed health information - at no charge. All are welcome.

Monday at noon EST -

Wednesday at 8 pm EST -


Be Bold - Be Brave - Stay Well

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