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Food Supply Issues - Zen Honeycutt

Here is a link to the presentation by Zen:


Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America, a non-profit National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms. With the motto "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids " Moms Across America has grown rapidly; over 600 leaders have created nearly 1000 community events in all 50 states in the past 5 years. Moms Across America empowers and amplifies the voice of the mom locally and nationally to create healthy communities by raising awareness about GMOs and related pesticides in our food. Zen has been featured on major mainstream news stations and in documentaries. She is an international speaker and author of Unstoppable: Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment and a Celebration of Community. Zen Honeycutt is a former Consumer representative to the California Organic Products Advisory Committee.

We have many committed and passionate moms on our team. Zoe from PA, Anne of WI, Laurie from OR, Natalie of CA, Beth from VA, Nanette of WA, and Amber of WA are our core Major Mom Team. We welcome support from skilled professionals or passionate moms with a few hours of the week to pitch in. Contact Thank you!


A speech by Zen on "Californians for GE Labeling Zen Honeycutt Moms Across America."


Note from a participant that just came in.

We were able to check out the Amish store as well as the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardening Association, both in Unity, a short distance from Bangor. It was a good day! I had only soup at 7PM the night before and then only water up until the fast which was a good fifteen hours.

Eating organic is a priority that we've made since 2012 but the new information about glyphosate has motivated me to clean up the inorganic habits of the last few years on an accelerated basis. Northern Maine organic is not readily available. I also cut some corners when long term food storage became a priority. I see now that there really is no wiggle room on this, or very little at least.


The webinars this week are:

Monday the 20th of March: Arden Ballard- BioProtein Topic: “Discover the Non-Invasive Approach to Healing Growth Factors” Bio: Arden Ballard, MS, PA-C, ATC Arden Ballard is a Physician Assistant, Athletic Trainer, and Clinical Wholesale Director for BioProtein Technology.

Wednesday the 22nd of March: Same speaker.

Weekly Webinar Links: Join us for detailed health information - at no charge. All are welcome.

Monday at noon EST -

Wednesday at 8 pm EST -


Be Bold - Be Brave - Stay Well

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