Executive summary
This article has four new charts from Medicare data that have never been revealed publicly.
Key takeaways:
The COVID vax increased baseline risk of death in the elderly by over 10%. This is very consistent with what Denis Rancourt and others have found.
Since April 2022, the unvaccinated fared better than the COVID vaccinated from a mortality perspective (this could be true earlier than April 2022, but I currently lack the data to show this): there were no COVID “humps” and the seasonal increase in mortality was lower than for the vaccinated.
COVID hasn’t been killing anyone since April 2022 in any significant numbers. This means that there was absolutely no reason for anyone to get a booster shot after April 2022. Even if the vaccine were safe and worked perfectly, there is no data supporting such a need.
The flu vaccines have a “Day 0” mortality rate that exceeds the “1 excess death per M doses” criteria for a safe vaccine. The flu vaccines are clearly unsafe and should be immediately pulled from the market. Flu vaccines also have no hospitalization benefit whatsoever as was pointed out in a JAMA paper published in April 2023. The flu shots simply kill people for no benefit. The data is in plain sight for all to see.
The CDC never cites the Medicare data as proof of vaccine safety and efficacy for any vaccine because the data shows the opposite. All data is kept hidden from public view. So you’ll never see any of the graphs shown in this article from the CDC even though they have the data. They basically only publish data that fits the narrative.
The mRNA COVID vaccines should be pulled from the market. They are literally doing the opposite of what was promised.
The flu vaccine should be pulled as well. While the flu vaccine isn’t nearly as deadly as the COVID vaccine, it is an unsafe vaccine with no measurable clinical benefit.
If the vaccines were safe, the CDC would be inviting all the top “misinformation spreaders” to CDC headquarters to do as many queries as we would like on VSD, Medicare, and Medicaid. But there is no such open invitation. On the contrary, they immediately cut off database access to anyone who ever gets close to finding something that goes against the narrative like they did with Brian Hooker when he was researching the link between vaccines and autism.
Our government has all the data I presented here. They just don’t want to look at it. And for sure they won’t allow it to be released or published in any paper.
I don’t think there is any way for anyone to claim that this data is consistent with the hypothesis that the COVID vaccines are safe.
A 10% increase in all-cause mortality translates into around 350,000 excess deaths a year caused by the vaccines. In America today, after just two babies died from infant formula, we shut down the plant. But after a novel, “rushed to market at warp speed” vaccine kills over 750,000 Americans, our government ignores all the adverse safety data in their possession and urges people to inject it on a regular basis.
In any honest society, both the flu shots and the COVID shots would be immediately halted.
But we do not live in an honest society. There isn’t a single honest national government in the world as far as I can tell. None of them are putting a halt to the COVID shots.
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"Those Medicare charts are manipulated."
"They are not true, someone is out to get the government."
"You do no believe those charts, do you, lol."
" If those charts were true, everyone would be in jail."
"Don't believe what you hear from the anti-vaxxers."
When I show friends and family or tell them about charts against the narrative, these are the responses I get back. I cannot believe how brainwashed people are. Even smart people that you would think would have some common sense. People do not want to believe how much evil exists. They want to live their happy, isolated lives until something happens to them. Until they are affected, they beleive the health officials and government are looking…