I get asked about the difference between the now-popular red light therapy and a low-cost halogen shop light. The simple answer is that getting the halogen light's full spectrum light is better. I have attached a previous blog explaining my halogen light system.
However, the red light LED systems may also provide an advantage, which is the depth of penetration. As you can see from the past blog below, the halogen light delivers substantial red light ACROSS THE ENTIRE RED LIGHT SPECTRUM. However, since the halogen light also puts out substantial infrared light (heat), getting this light close to your body is challenging. As a result, you may not get the same level of red light penetration into your body.
An important consideration when purchasing a red light system is the energy output of that system. Find out the level of energy (wattage) of the red light system and any pertinent technical specifications. Pick your system based on its energy and information on penetration depth. I believe some of these systems are HIGHLY overpriced - so comparison shop.
Halogen lights provide substantial benefits compared to red light LEDs. Here are some of those advantages.
Cost: The halogen lights are pennies on the dollar.
Full Spectrum: Full spectrum may have a protective effect compared to narrow wavelength light systems, but that is yet to be proven.
Hyperthermia: Halogen light can provide local hyperthermia, which is known to reduce the burden of cancer. Several clients have used this system to create local hyperthermia in the area of tumors. (1)
Our body is full of "chromophores." These substances absorb light across the spectrum, not just 660nm, which is common to most red light systems. (2,3)
Photo-sensitizers used in cancer treatment, like methylene blue and an agent I call sonalux, don't have strong absorption at 660nm, so the red light is ineffective at activating these tumor-reducing agents.
(2) Human chromophores absorb light in various wavelengths, including ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared. The specific wavelengths absorbed depend on the type of chromophore.
(3) AI generated response:
Found in the skin's epidermis, melanin is responsible for skin color and absorbs most UV radiation, protecting deeper tissues from damage.
Present in red blood cells, hemoglobin absorbs visible light, particularly in the blue and red wavelengths, giving blood its characteristic color.
Location matters:
Depending on the chromophore and its location in the body, the specific wavelengths of light absorbed can vary.
Dr. Jack Kruse agrees that full-spectrum light is most beneficial. You can read his blog on this topic here:

I respect Jack, and like me, he believes most medical "talking head" are full of it!
Here is an excerpt.
"He calls well-known establishment scientists (paid by grants and corporations) like Andrew Huberman fraudulent."
My blog exposing Huberman is linked here.
And, for further context, read this blog. Huberman all but endorsed the use of the eye injections, which, IMHO, is an Ophthalmologist committing murder.
I have published several videos on energy medicine. Although there is a presumption that light does not penetrate deeply into the body, it is proven that light therapy impacts the entire body.
How can this be?
One answer is that substances that absorb light—particularly infrared light—resonate, and the resonance will activate other substances of the same frequency (same type of molecule). Infrared light causes bonds in substances (molecules) to vibrate - and vibration is "sound energy." This is similar to what happens with a tuning fork. Thus, the vibrational energy can pass from the molecule "activated" by infrared light to other molecules - even those deeper in your body.
Watch this video to understand this process.
Vibrational energy creates heat. Heat can help with biological processes in two (2) ways.
Increased temperatures speed up the rate of reactions - for example, the processes within mitochondria that produce cellular energy.
Increased temperatures lower the viscosity of liquid (lymph, blood) and improve circulation.
Here are some videos that explain the value of light therapy. This is NOT just about red or infrared light but about sunlight!
This one is rather scientific but there are still important concepts anyone can understand.
Here is how you can get sunlight at a substantial bargain - while the deal lasts.
You may know that I'm a proponent of full-spectrum light. I know that red and infrared light is beneficial, but full-spectrum light is superior. Halogen light bulbs - slowly being banded by numbskull politicians - provide a close approximation to full-spectrum light (sunlight). I just bought 5 of these today and they are delivered for free!
My videos on Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine Part 1
Energy Medicine Part 2
Energy Medicine Part 3
Energy Medicine Part 4
Energy Medicine Part 5
Energy Medicine Part 6
Energy Medicine Part 7
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