Dr. Lewis,
As per our conversation, I am a Water Treatment Consultant for Arthur Freedman Associates, Inc. My resume is on the website: www.arthurfreedmanassociates.com. My services include testing HVAC equipment in the NYC area for microbiological indicators and taking samples for Legionella.
One test I perform routinely is the ATP test for biological growth. It is an indirect test for microorganisms containing ATP. Using luciferin/ luciferase to create a flash of light. The result is measured in Relative Light Units (RLU's).
I ran the test on the saturated salt solution where I keep my toothbrush after about a week and the reading was 0. This would indicate a near or sterile solution. The meter I use is from Hygiena (www.hygiena.net)
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What is the Chronic Disease Support program?
1. It is a weekly live, interactive, 1h, webinar on Zoom covering important health-related topics.
2. The schedule is Mondays at 12 noon EST and Tuesday at 8 pm EST. The topic is the same at both times/dates. We offer 2 times per week to accommodate schedules.
Monday Zoom link (noon EST):
Tuesday Zoom link (8pm EST):
copy and paste to your browser at the designed time to join.
Archived videos are found at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd_LYVg22017AkE1GfKa4_A
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