This week only I'm offering Mercola followers the following opportunity to learn where they are on the chronic disease risk and health continuum scale my MIT and Harvard team developed.
Option 1: Take our advanced Chronic Disease Temperature panel (55 biomarkers)
Click the link below to order: Cost $299
You get:
Labcorp Report
Our unique chronic disease risk and status report
Our chronic disease assessment - the basis of your care plan
A HIPAA compliant health record to privately share all your existing health data
Our self-directed learning system that will send you valuable suggestions to overcome your health problems or make sure one doesn't develop
A 1 hour (+/-) health consult to go over all your existing health data
Take control of your health action plan
In addition, all Mercola folks will be enrolled in our Chronic Disease Support program ($100 value at no charge). This program includes weekly live seminars with Q&A where we discuss topics of the week. Here you can ask questions through live chat. Topics include: "Why you need cholesterol," "the genesis of health," "how to find hidden infections that may be holding your health back," and many more topics.
Option 2: Take our advanced Chronic Disease Assessment survey (on-line - can be taken anywhere with an internet connection)
Click the link below to order: Cost $99
You get:
Our chronic disease assessment - the basis of your care plan. We have match the assessment "score" with the lab panel in over 10,000 participants so it is very accurate at assessing the root-causes of your risk. See 2nd image below
A HIPAA compliant health record to privately share all your existing health data
Our self-directed learning system that will send you valuable suggestions to overcome your health problems or make sure one doesn't develop
A 1 hour (+/-) health consult to go over all your existing health data
Take control of your health action plan
In addition, all Mercola folks will be enrolled in our Chronic Disease Support program ($100 value at no charge). This program includes weekly live seminars with Q&A where we discuss topics of the week. Here you can ask questions through live chat. Topics include: "Why you need cholesterol," "the genesis of health," "how to find hidden infections that may be holding your health back," and many more topics.
Where are you on the chronic disease and risk continuums?
Here is the correlation between our Chronic Disease Assessment risk score and the Chronic Disease Temperature risk score..... As you can see, our assessment predicts your lab values and is the most inexpensive way to start taking charge of your health.
IMPORTANT: As your risk score goes down (something you have control over) your lab values go down. This is the best way to ensure a healthy longevity because our lab values are linked to early (premature) mortality risk.

If you cannot get Ivermectin from your doctor, contact me!
I'm offering 3 months of my services - unlimited - for the price of my 3h offering. You can start this program today to help you through the holidays and it will be good through March.
What you get: Unlimited time with myself or my most astute health coaches (health and life coaches) - or a combination of myself and the right health coach.
How it works:
Take or retake the Chronic Disease Assessment
Review your current treatment plan and labs
Schedule weekly sessions (15 minutes or more) (consistency)
Sign up for the Chronic Disease Support program and get 10% off labs and other tests.
Have a healthy longevity!

Stay Well
Thomas J. Lewis, Ph.D.
Feel free to contact me at: